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MT 12 June 2016

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 12 JUNE 2016 34 This Week WHAT'S ON MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE JUNE 16 Jazz Collective Jazz performance at Electro Lob- ster Project, Pjazza Balluta, St Julian's at 20:00. Featuring Clint Campisi (guitar and vocals), Alan Portelli (bass) and Manuel Pulis (drums). JUNE 17 Jazz Fridays at Mason's Jazz night at the Sliema Prom- enade from 20:00. Featuring Angie Vella Zarb (vocals) and Joe Debono (keyboard). JUNE 18 City Drop Party at Maori Bar, Triq Il-Lanca, Valletta from 14:00. Featuring DJs Duncan F, Alex Thomson, Cafe So- ciety Collective (Dockerbone & The Chef), Neil Pantos & Super Mario, Louie G (Colour TV), Twain and Moose. Entrance is at €5. EXHIBITIONS UNTIL JUNE 26 Stejjer Imfewħa – A Multi- Disciplinary Exhibition Stejjer Imfewħa – A Multi-Disci- plinary Exhibition dwells into dif- ferent forms of expression such as installation art, written and sound art, photography, performance and drawing. Taking place at the Inquis- itor's Palace, Birgu. This exhibition presents the results of a collective assemble of research and informa- tion, presented in a creative way so as to ensure audience gain experi- ence and also award experience. Featuring artists: Amy Borg, Glen Calleja, Guido Lanfranco, Sarah Mamo and Kasia Zmokla. Curated by Sabrina Calleja Jackson. UNTIL JUNE 17 L-għ Three years of intense work and research from the first batch of graduating Digital Arts students at the University of Malta will culmi- nate in a collective exhibition at the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences (MaKS) at the University of Malta. The exhibition is titled 'L-għ', a name which serves as an umbrella term to describe all twelve projects together whilst simultaneously ex- ploiting the individual uniqueness of each one. THEATRE & PERFORMANCE FROM JUNE 29 Rock of Ages: Opening Night Opening night of the Maltese ver- sion of the popular Broadway musi- cal at City Theatre, Valletta at 20:00. Featuring: Kurt Calleja, Errol Sam- mut, Nadia Vella, Taryn Mamo Ce- fai, Chris Dingli, Katherine Brown, Colin Fitz, Rachel Fabri, Rach Te- desco Triccas and many more. More information: http://www.rockofag- JUNE 21-23; 26-28; AUGUST 23-25 Kelma Kelma Nota Nota Three concerts combining Mal- tese music and literature at Pjazza Teatru Rjal, Valletta at 21:00. The first concert – Tlaqna Nghabbu – will be taking place between June 21 and 23; the second – Kuncert Bla Vat – between June 26 and 28 and Ghal Kbar Biss between August 23 and 25. Featuring Daniel Cauchi and the Big Band Brothers, Ray Calleja and Michael Spagnol. BOOK EVENTS JUNE 16 Rima book launch: Undertow Launch of Undertow: Poetics of Displacement, a culminating publi- cation for the ongoing Valletta 2018/ Malta Arts Fund-sponsored Rima project, at Villa Frere, Pieta at 18:30. The book aims to deconstruct ste- reotyped notions of migration by al- lowing migrants of various nation- alities to tell their stories. The book will be on sale at the launch, and refreshments will be served. JUNE 21 Annamaria Weldon: an evening of poetry and discussion Evening of poetry and discussion with acclaimed West Australian po- et Annamaria Weldon at the Faculty of Arts Library, University of Malta at 19:00. Following a poetry read- ing Annamaria will be in discussion with Abigail Zammit. Weldon's lat- est book is The Lake's Apprentice. This year her personal essay for the anthology Purple Prose (Fremantle Press) was based on summers spent in Gozo with her grandparents at Marsalforn, and the Maltese con- nection to the Phoenicians. TODAY Swejjaq Family event at San Lawrenz Square, Gozo from 08:00 to 13:00. The square will be transformed into a small market selling crops, artisan food and other products. There will also be games for children, dance and folk music. Part of the square will be dedicated to a vintage car and bike exhibition and football tournaments will be organised. In Guardia Parade Historical re-enactment at the Grandmaster's Palace, Valletta at 11:00. The re-enactment portrays the inspection of the palace garrison by the Grand Bailiff of the Order of the Knights of St John. Entrance is at €7 (adults), €3 (children). Ghanafest Malta World Music Festival Annual festival of Maltese folk song and international music at Argotti Gardens, Floriana. Doors open at 19:00 on each of the nights. Tickets at €3 are available at the door. Bad Dad One-man comedy show by Chris Dingli, back by popular demand at M Space, Msida at 20:00. Bookings: http://new. Choral Evening Song Free concert at at St Paul 's Anglican Cathedral in Valletta at 15:00. Organised by the Anglican Church in Malta and Gozo and featuring Choral Evening Song (University of Exeter Choir). What lies behind timeless paintings ON June 13 at the Chamber of Commerce courtyard, Valletta, Professor Austin Nevin, chemist and conservator, a Researcher at the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies (IFN) will give a lecture on the analysis of paintings and painting materi- als carried out by the Italian Re- search Council. The lecture will start at 18:30 and is organised by Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar. This study of ancient and modern cultural heritage us- ing optical and spectroscopic techniques has produced ex- citing revelations in paintings spanning from Leonardo to Van Gogh, and has provided invalu- able insights into the creation of some of the world's best-known artistic masterpieces. Prof. Nevin's visit has come about as part of FAA's project to restore the late Medieval 'Madonna of Mercy' four-panel altarpiece at St Mark's Augus- tinian Priory, Rabat. A dona- tion of €10 is solicited in order to support the restoration of this polyptych, described as one of Malta's most important art treasures. Students' special rate: €5. Bookings: or phone: 20106428 F A O C C featuring the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor Prof. Michael Laus with the participation of Soprano Miriam Gauci and e Goldberg Ensemble at St John's Co-Cathedral on Wednesday 17 th June 2015 at 19.30 hrs. under the distinguished patronage of e Hon. Dr Joseph Muscat, Prime Minster A Reception will follow at the Auberge de Castille. Invitation-voucher(s) available from MASMOM oces, Casa Lanfreducci, Pjazza Jean de Valette, adjacent to Our Lady of Victory Church,Valletta. Tel. no.: 2122 6919 / 2124 6406 e Maltese Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the St John's Co-Cathedral Foundation present their West Australian poet Annamaria Weldon will be reading and discussing her work on June 21 Taryn Mamo Cefai in Rock of Ages • Photo by Franco Rizzo

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