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58 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2016 Sport SAILING 2016 Rolex Middle Sea Race – It's a wrap THE 2016 Rolex Middle Sea Race is done and dusted, with just the final prize giving remaining. For the crews that completed the course this celebration will be a last opportunity before leaving Malta to reflect on their adven- tures and achievements. 107 yachts started the race from Grand Harbour on Saturday, 22 October. The winds were light but the atmosphere vibrant as specta- tors filled the numerous vantage points surrounding the natural amphitheatre. Once beyond the breakwater, crews enjoyed a fast passage to Sic- ily particularly the powerful mul- tihulls Maverick and Phaedo. The first night was tactically demand- ing, with perennial challenges of choosing the best approach to the Strait of Messina catching out even the most experienced naviga- tors. The monohull fleet racing for the overall prize compressed over- night, stretching out again as the faster and better positioned yachts moved into the freshening breeze. As these yachts approached Stromboli later in the day, the wind shut down once more bring- ing the fleet back together. The puzzles being posed by the wind conditions did not end at Stromboli. The leaders eventu- ally pulled away and as they ap- proached the north western tip of Sicily another windless zone created more drama. It was Mas- calzone Latino's ability to progress through this transition relatively unscathed that probably won them the race. Racing alongside bigger, faster yachts proved a great encouragement. Behind the chas- ing, smaller yachts missed out on the best of the southerly breeze off Trapani and were given a rough deal at Lampedusa as the wind faded again. Rambler 88 would go on to take line honours in the early hours of Tuesday morning, well outside the crew's record time set in 2007. Mascalzone Latino would fin- ish nearly twelve hours later, one of a pack of yachts that bridged the last leg between Lampedusa and the Comino Channel in solid breeze. The fleet behind stalled and would struggle home. Second placed Cippa Lippa was some six hours behind on corrected time confirming the determination of the Mascalzone team to make the best of their opportunities in the race. Third placed Foggy Dew from France was the smallest yacht in the top ten, and proved that even in conditions that fa- voured the larger yachts there is scope to do well if you keep your focus. Artie, Malta's two-time winner of the overall prize, fin- ished ninth overall. The 37th Rolex Middle Sea Race offered its typically complex chal- lenge for the competing crews, and will be remembered for its mental demands rather than phys- ical ones. Once again participants were rewarded for their efforts with the unremitting hospitality of the organizers, the Royal Mal- ta Yacht Club, and the stunning scenery of the course with views of volcanoes, islands, sunrises and sunsets, and aquatic wildlife. The 38th Rolex Middle Sea Race starts on the 21st October 2017. Aegir. Photo by: Rolex/Kurt Arrigo Rolex Middle Sea Race 2016 prize giving THE 2016 Rolex Middle Sea Race came to a close on Friday afternoon when a Prize Giv- ing ceremony was held at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in the presence of crews, Royal Malta Yacht Club guests, the Minister for Tourism Dr. Edward Zammit Lewis, the Parliamentary Secretary for Research Inno- vation Youth and Sport Mr. Chris Agius as well as other dignitaries and guests. Welcoming those present the Royal Malta Yacht Club Commodore Godwin Zammit re- marked that: "The race has kept its universal appeal with an extremely varied fleet from 25 countries. The same high level of entries that the Race enjoys with other renowned offshore races was once again maintained this year". The 37th Edition of the Rolex Middle Sea Race started from Grand Harbour on Saturday 22nd October. The start, with 107 boats in the fleet, appeared as spectacular as ever from the bastions of Fort St. Angelo. Commodore Zammit went on to thank the authorities namely Transport Malta, the Malta Tourism Authority, the Armed Forces of Malta and Yachting Malta for their support and in particular Rolex for their ongoing support to- wards this event, which has enabled the Mid- dle Sea Race to grow in stature and importance over the years. In summing up Commodore Zammit thanked the crews for their commitment and enthusiasm for this year's race, and looked for- ward to welcoming them all to the 38th Rolex Middle Sea Race which starts on 21 October 2017. Full results and information on the 2016 Rolex Middle Sea Race can be obtained by visiting the official website – www.rolexmid- Owner Vincenzo Onorato, Skipper Matteo Savelli and Navigator Ian Moore with the Rolex Middle Sea Race Trophy

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