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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2016 4 News MATTHEW AGIUS FOREIGN Minister George Vella will be looking into the reasons behind Russia's chilly reaction to Malta's refusal last month to allow a Russian warship destined for Syr- ia to refuel in Maltese waters, but has stood by the decision. The Russian Foreign Ministry yesterday issued its belated reac- tion, criticising the decision to turn the ships away, saying that Malta had "fallen victim to the West's in- formation war." Contacted by MaltaToday, Vel- la, who appeared surprised at the new development, said that to his knowledge, the issue had already been resolved at a diplomatic level. "We act strictly according to what is expected of us by our Con- stitutional neutrality," the minister said. In the coming weeks, Vella will accompany Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to Russia where they will be meeting Russian Prime Minis- ter Dmitry Medvedev. MaltaToday understands that the visit has long been scheduled, and strengthen- ing of business relations is on the agenda. Asked whether he expected the refuelling issue to be discussed, Vella said he could not confirm whether the issue will be raised. "I can't say whether the issue will be raised. What I can say is that we have exchanged communications, in which we explained our position without retreating from it and we were told that this had been ac- cepted. "But now, with a spokesperson from Moscow making such dec- larations, we need to see what's behind it. The visit is still on, the meetings are scheduled and I will be part of the delegation." Late last month, Vella told Par- liament that Malta would not be allowing the warships to refuel in Malta because the country did not want to be complicit in any help offered to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. But a spokeswoman for Vella's Russian counterpart described the ban as an attempt to "exert pres- sure on all fronts and create a cer- tain atmosphere in the informa- tion space." Maria Zakharova, on behalf of the Russian Foreign Ministry, told news agency Tass that Vella's statement "falls out of line with any diplomatic routine though he stated it many times that the de- cision was passed independently without any external pressure proceeding from the purposes, which our military pursue." "The Maltese Foreign Ministry believes that the Russian military machine is committing atrocities in Syria, especially against women and children. These are the total victims of Western propaganda," the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed. "It is an open secret what Russia is doing in Syria. Unlike the West- ern coalition, we issue regular de- tailed reports." She was further quoted saying: "Countries, which do not have their own perspective on the situ- ation and an independent foreign policy, are reading this informa- tion code and are engaged in open self-censorship not because of any outside pressure but on the basis of media publications for fear that anything may happen." The vessel in question, RFS Dub- na, forms part of a Russian naval task group that includes the air- craft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, the nuclear-powered guided mis- sile cruiser Pyotr Veliky and two destroyers. It recently entered the Mediterranean in what the chair- man of the Russian parliament's defence committee, Vladimir Sha- manov, had earlier described as a "show of flag" and as part of a ro- tation. But later reports have officials saying that warplanes from the Admiral Kuznetsov would be tar- geting rebels on the outskirts of Aleppo, where they have launched a counter offensive against the Syr- ian government-controlled west- ern part of the city. "The attacks are to hit the long- range approaches to the city," Interfax news agency quoted a Defence Ministry spokesman as saying. A Russian Ministry of Defence source told local media that "the group's main goal is to carry out missile strikes on terror- ists outside of Aleppo that are at- tempting to get into the city." The deployment of the Admiral Kuznetsov is the first active com- bat mission for a Russian aircraft carrier since Russia intervened in Syria last September. Foreign Minister 'surprised' by Russian diplomat complaint Above, the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, which the RFS Dubna services. The Dubna was previously allowed in Malta in 2013. Right: Maria Zakharova, on behalf of the Russian Foreign Ministry, told news agency Tass that Vella's statement "falls out of line with any diplomatic routine though he stated it many times that the decision was passed independently without any external pressure proceeding from the purposes, which our military pursue." George Vella: "We act strictly according to what is expected of us by our Constitutional neutrality." "With a spokesperson from Moscow making such declarations, we need to see what's behind it" George Vella

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