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MT 13 November 2016

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2016 10 JURGEN BALZAN THE owners of an illegal zoo have been served with an enforcement notice by the Planning Authority, following MaltaToday's report on the illegal structures in Rabat. "All structures on site were con- structed without permission. An enforcement notice is being issued against the works," the authority said. In the meantime, a preliminary application has been filed by the owners to regularise the illegal structures, which currently house a number of animals including ze- bras, llamas and horses. In comments to MaltaToday, a PA spokesperson said that "in October, the authority's enforcement officers inspected the site and noted vari- ous structures such as demountable stables with adjacent paddocks, large cages, rubble walls, creation of passage ways with concrete and iron railings, and a horse exercise machine." The spokesperson added that the stables already housed various equines as well as some exotic ani- mals like zebras and llamas. The authority has also contacted various government agencies to aid in the investigations or to take sepa- rate action should they deem fit. These include the Lands Depart- ment, the Paying Agency, the Envi- ronment and Resources Authority and the Veterinary Services. Two weeks ago, MaltaToday re- ported that the Veterinary Regula- tion Department had not issued any permits for a zoo measuring some 3,700 square metres in ODZ land in Rabat. Large cages and other structures intended to house animals, includ- ing big cats, are being erected in Rabat, but the Veterinary Regula- tion Department has said it has not received any applications for a zoo in the locality. In May 2016 the PA sanctioned repairs to existing random dry- stone rubble walls on the site. However, the works which were still ongoing up to two weeks ago include the excavation of garage- like rooms in the rock face, stables, an eight-metre high cage and a pa- rameter wall which at some points is six metres high. Moreover, concrete has been laid on various parts of the land and a number of electricity poles have also been erected, while an electric gate has been installed at the en- trance. The preliminary application sub- mitted to the PA describes the pro- ject as a "private collection of exotic animals". News Operational Programme I – European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 "Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges" Advert part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Co-financing rate: Public Eligible (80% European Union; 20% National Funds) ANNOUNCEMENT – 10 th November 2016 Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges The Measures and Support Division within the Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto, designated by the Managing Authority for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 as the Intermediate Body responsible for administering aid schemes for enterprises under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the 2014 – 2020 programming period, would like to announce the following calls: • Call 1 – SME Consultancy Services Grant Scheme Priority Axis 3 – 'Enhancing Malta's competitiveness through investment in SMEs' Investment Priority (IP) 3d – Supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes. This scheme is administered through an open rolling call. First cut-off date: Tuesday, 28th February 2017. • Call 1 – e-Commerce Grant Scheme Priority Axis 2 – 'Consolidating investment within the ICT Sector' Investment Priority (IP) 2b – Developing ICT products and services, e-commerce and enhancing demand for ICT This scheme is administered through an open rolling call. First cut-off date: Tuesday, 28th February 2017. Information sessions will be organised for prospective applicants. Dates and venues will be notified in the coming days. Further information on these calls including the respective Guidance Notes and the Guidelines for Implementation, as well as on the information sessions may be obtained from Planning Authority clamps down on illegal zoo Photos of the illegal zoo submitted by the owners to the Planning Authority Environment authority, NGOs object to proposed Marsaxlokk car park JAMES DEBONO MARSAXLOKK is to be served by a massive 11,400 square-metre car park near the football ground on Triq il-Kavallerezza, accord- ing to an application filed by the former energy and health minis- try. The government claims that the area behind the Marsaxlokk foot- ball pitch, which is located out- side development zones (ODZ), has been identified as the most suitable location because a large part of the site is already dis- turbed. But the Environment and Re- sources Authority is objecting, noting that the area is disturbed simply because it has been left open and is used for the parking of unauthorized vehicles. The ERA also noted that an area directly adjacent to the football pitch is already used for park- ing, and that leaving the land in such a state "should not be con- sidered as a stepping stone" for encroaching on agricultural land to transform it into a surface car park. Both Din l-Art Helwa and Na- ture Trust have also objected to the take-up of undeveloped ODZ land for a car park. Although it had not objected to the development, the Super- intendence for Cultural Heritage has noted that the site lies in the vicinity of various archaeological remains and that the remains of a Roman villa were also reported in the same area. It warned that any development in the area might yield "accidental discoveries" which may hinder the execution of any permit granted in this site. The car park forms part of a €6 million embellishment project announced in June, just as the Panamagate scandal which en- gulfed the car park's proponent, then energy minister Konrad Mizzi, was raging.

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