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Events 50 maltatoday, Sunday, 7 december 2014 Meridian enterprises will be launching the new Generation Hy- undai i20 at the much anticipated Paqpaqli għall-istrina event on the 7 december at the Malta interna- tional airport where Meridian en- terprises, importers of Hyundai in Malta will set up a dedicated stand purposely to show off this latest model. The new Generation Hyundai i20, which is already in Malta, made its debut at the 2014 Paris Motor Show last October and entered produc- tion during the same month and went out on sale from november. With the launch of its latest model, the new Generation i20, Hyundai Motor europe is continuing its suc- cessful presence in the B-segment, highlighted by almost a million sales since 2002. The popularity of the original i20 has made it one of the company's best-selling cars in the region. The key aims of the new model are to open Hyundai Motor europe to an even wider audience, further develop perceptions of the brand and confirm Hyundai's stra- tegic focus on europe. The new Generation i20 has been designed and developed in europe, and three key attributes in particu- lar underline how it meets the needs of european consumers: class-lead- ing interior space, high-technology and comfort-enhancing features, and clean, refined design. The new Generation i20 remains true to the principles of delivering value beyond expectations, exem- plified by models including new Generation i10 and new ix35. The launch of this latest vehicle also means every Hyundai model in eu- rope has been renewed in the last five years. Longer, lower and wider than the previous model, new Genera- tion i20 was penned at Hyundai Motor's design Centre europe in rüsselsheim, Germany. The new model's character is inspired by the company's Fluidic Sculpture design philosophy, with elegant lines and a sculptured profile giving it a bold and sophisticated appearance. On the new Generation i20, a Hyundai Motor's key design element hexago- nal grille flows into stylish bi-func- tion headlamps with Led daytime running lights. Key styling cues are echoed inside the spacious cabin. Sitting on a new platform, the wheelbase has been extended by 45 millimetres to 2570 mm creating more space for occu- pants. Class-leading interior space – 1892 mm combined front and rear legroom – makes the new Genera- tion i20 a true five-seater, while out- standing trunk capacity of 326 litres heightens the vehicle's versatility. designed to transport the driver and passengers in great comfort, the cabin features extensive use of soft-touch materials, as well as sub- tle piano black inserts and chrome detailing, to create a modern and sophisticated interior package. The vehicle has also been fitted with a number of new technologies that provide levels of comfort and convenience normally associated with large-vehicle segments. For example, the inclusion of front and rear parking assist, heated steering wheel, static bending headlamps and automatic defog system are firsts for a Hyundai B-segment ve- hicles. additionally, the lane departure warning system is another inno- vative feature, normally found in higher segments. The unique-in- class panoramic sunroof, able to both tilt and fully open, enhances the comfort and the sense of space for occupants, filling the cabin with natural light and fresh air. The new Generation i20's driv- ing experience has been fine-tuned to ensure suitability for european roads following rigorous ride and handling testing in alpine moun- tain areas, hot summer evaluation in southern europe and cold winter testing in Scandina. Kristal to go on display at Japan's World Water Museum Kristal, Malta's popular table water, will be on display in a World Water Museum to open in Japan soon. Kristal was first produced in Malta by The General Soft drinks Co. Ltd (GSd) back in 1988 and was subsequently acquired by The Coca-Cola Company - represented in Malta by GSd - in 2009. Thanks to its unique taste and popularity, Kristal will sit along- side over 1,000 other bottled wa- ter brands from all over the world at the World Water Museum. This museum is currently being set up by Japanese company naC who is currently in the process of sourc- ing and collecting different water brands from around the world. GSd has been requested to supply the museum with Kristal's 0.5-litre and 2-litre still water packages and with its 1-litre still and sparkling water. "We feel honoured to have a Mal- tese water showcased along other brands from all over the world," said GSd's Chief Operating Officer Maria Micallef. "This does not only make Malta proud, but as a company we are extremely pleased that the Kristal brand, which has been acknowl- edged for its quality by The Coca- Cola Company, will now get inter- national exposure." New generation i20 to be launched at Paqpaqli ghall-Istrina a new proposed policy document (dC2014) which sets out a new di- rection in terms of urban and archi- tectural design policy, guidance and standards has been published by the Malta environment and Planning authority (MePa). The dC2014 document is the re- sult of a yearlong collaborative proc- ess led by MePa and principle au- thor dr antoine Zammit involving academia, Periti, decision-makers and experts in the fields of sanitary law, transport and conservation. dC2014 is not a merely a revision of the 2007 development Control: Policy and design Guidance but has taken on a completely new approach to the formulation of design policies, one based on context. The document is divided into 5 parts and moves progressively from the broader con- textual considerations to focus on issues of urban form, architectural quality and architectural elements. Within the proposed framework, the document adopts three types of pro- visions, Policy/regulation (P), Good- practice guidance (G) and Technical standards (S). The two parts of the document which focus on contextual design and urban form, are mainly characterised by policies in the acknowledgement that these parts contains critical as- pects that have most bearing on the context/street and that can make or break a streetscape – they are the 'main shapers of the street'. These are therefore the parts that need to be controlled most, not to produce standardised buildings but so as to guarantee certain fundamen- tal street principles and parameters. The part of the document which deals with architectural quality contains a mix of provisions, with a reduced number of policies and conversely a predominance of good- practice guidance. The final part which deals with architectural elements is in turn pri- marily characterised by good-prac- tice guidance that could have differ- ent architectural solutions and does not contain any technical standards. a greater element of deviation is therefore possible within this sec- tion, particularly given the inevitable subjective nature of many considera- tions contained therein. The policy document provides clear guidelines for periti, developers and others on development interventions within Urban Conservation areas (UCas). dC2014 has enough safe- guards and parameters to guarantee that the evolutionary changes occur- ring within UCas are respectful of, and enrich, their historical context. The proposed dC 14 also strongly encourages the integration of an ener- gy-conscious design that reduces the need to heat and cool a building. This can be achieved by ensuring a tight building fabric designed to the high- est standards, accompanied by inte- grally-designed energy conservation and energy generation interventions that allow for the production of green clean energy renewable contributing to the eU's 2020 'nearly-zero energy building' target. dC14 Work Group Chairperson Perit Victor Sladden said "this is a positive document which is sure to cultivate a new ap- proach when it comes to designing a new project. Our purpose is to be- come more conscious and responsive to the inter-relationship that exists in the spatial scale of urban design. He added "every design project cannot be created and assessed in isolation but must be seen within the total- ity of its immediate context, which in most cases constitute the street. Streets are not only transitional spac- es – they are important social places and their success is in turn vital to the success of the overall workings of an urban settlement." The draft policy can be viewed on the author- ity's website Creating 'successful' streets ALIVE Charity Foundation donates record sum for breast cancer research aLiVe Charity Foundation donated €80,000 to the research Trust of the University of Malta (ridT) to further the University of Malta spe- cialised programme in breast cancer research. The generous sum was collected by aLiVe cyclists who bravely ventured into the Malta airport aLiVe2014 Cycling Challenge for Cancer – a gruelling marathon covering almost 1,100 km in seven days across five european countries from Prague to Belgrade. aLiVe Charity Foundation Chair- person nicky Camilleri, on behalf of aLiVe committee members, main sponsor Malta international airport, all supporting sponsors, participants and friends, presented the donation to rector of the University of Malta, who is also the ridT Chairperson, Professor Juanito Camilleri, in the presence of action for Breast Can- cer Foundation committee member Betty Lee, europa donna – Malta President Gertrude abela and Malta international airport CeO Markus Klaushofer. nicky Camilleri said, "aLiVe2014 was another successful event during which 45 cyclists raised funds for breast cancer research in Malta." The money will benefit mainly a second Phd science student in breast cancer research under the tutorship of Professor Christian Scerri and dr Godfrey Grech at the University of Malta and in collaboration with Mater dei Hospital. aLiVe2015 will be launched soon. Following discussions with the Uni- versity's research Trust, aLiVe Char- ity Foundation will be taking the task of raising funds for the gold ribbon, which is the official ribbon of children with cancer. aLiVe's new slogan for the forthcoming challenge is 'Closer to our Hearts', will sustain their new cause towards the urgent need of sci- entific research in children's cancers which can have different characteris- tics than those seen in adults. On receiving the donation, Profes- sor Camilleri said, "investing in re- search is a long-term mission. With this money, the University is able to sustain further crucial scientific re- search in breast cancer. We depend on the generosity of the Maltese com- munity and it is encouraging to note that the University research Trust is now being recognised as a good cause that deserves support." Malta international airport's Chief executive Officer Markus Klaushofer said: "We would like to congratulate the aLiVe organisational team and participants for yet another successful challenge and for the fantastic result they have achieved. We encourage aLiVe to continue to build on these initiatives which drive awareness and stimulate scientific research in the field, which will meaningfully impact the quality of life of cancer patients." The aLiVe2014 Cycling Challenge was sponsored by Malta international airport and supported by Sky Spirits Fitness Lounge, impressions Print, Signs and displays, Go & Fun, deben- hams, Gollcher Group, Pizza Petrus, Garmin, express Group and KPMG among others.

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