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MW 13 May 2015

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4 JURGEN BALZAN THE Russian investors behind the proposed shooting range in Bus- besija, Mosta insist that they had nothing to do with the threats re- ceived by the Jesuit Order who are opposing the project. The project on the derelict mili- tary installation is being proposed by a Russian owned company named U-Group, and includes a 300m range adjacent to the bar- racks, a 25m range, a 50m range, an indoor range, a dynamic range, trap and skeet ranges, a museum, an artillery battery and a paintball park. In a meeting hastily organised by the company in their lush offices at Portomaso in St Julian's, the Executive Director of U-Group, Anastasia Budykho and her aides described the bullet and letter sent to the Jesuits by post as "ri- diculous, horrible and nasty" and vowed "we have nothing to do with that issue." Stephen Petroni, president of one of the three associations rep- resenting shooters and collectors – also convened at the meeting – argued it was not in their interest to issue such threats. Nicholas Schembri, who leads another association of shooters and collectors, added "if we learn who is behind it we'll immediately file a police report." However, the meeting's primary objective was to reassure the Jesu- its and other detractors that the noise will not be an issue. Budykho – who also serves as representative for the Russian Chamber of Commerce and In- dustry (CCIR) in Malta – insisted "new technologies exist and spe- cial sound reduction walls exist. Different systems are used and can reduce noise up to 95% of the sound generated in shooting ranges." Acknowledging the highly tech- nical nature of the project, Bud- ykho explained that a number of foreign consultants have been en- gaged by the company to ensure that the sound pollution is not an issue. She is optimistic that the sound levels will be below the limits stipulated by law and reassured "we will act in accordance with the law". Dispelling other potential prob- lems, such as safety and traffic issues, she said that the company is ready to address these concerns by carrying out all the necessary studies. "We understand this is big project, a very technical one which can generate a lot of ques- tions and we have plans to hold a press conference together with ad- visers to answer all questions and concerns," Budykho said. Asked why the company has come up with the novel idea of opening a shooting range, Bud- ykho and an advisor said the com- pany has always been sports orien- tated and socially conscious. Moreover, "this project will at- tract tourism and international level sport events." They also not- ed that Malta has been successful in shooting competitions abroad and the facility will offer the 7,000 registered sport-shooters a range of international standard. Budykho's advisor would not re- veal the total cost of the project but admitted that the cost "runs in the millions." She added that the project, which will cover 140 tumoli of land, is of a commercial nature but is aimed at giving a social and economic contribution. "We will ensure that it will be as accessible as possible and will not cost more than similar facilities abroad." Budykho also urged the Jesuits and residents who oppose or have doubts about the project to get in touch, insisting that she would be more than willing to provide them with all the information and stud- ies which address their concerns. The project, which is still at a consultancy stage, envisages that the range is managed by a foreign firm, with the Russian investors currently in talks with British and American companies. maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 13 MAY 2015 News Jesuits unmoved by threats Jesuits opposing shooting range complex in Mosta receive bullet and a threatening note quoting classic Sergio Leone western JURGEN BALZAN THE Jesuits' opposition to the proposed shooting range in the vicinity of their Mount St Joseph retreat house in Mosta will not relent in the face of threats they have received, the order's provin- cial, Patrick Magro said. On Monday, Magro filed a re- port at the Mosta police station upon receiving the bullet and the note, which quoted a famous scene in the Western classic The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The note read: "Dear Jesuit Fathers, There are two types of people in the world, Those who dig and Those who hold a loaded gun, You dig, We hold the loaded gun, Fuck with us, We will fuck you". The Jesuits are opposing the proposed shooting range and Magro said that the Order has not been consulted on the impact of the range, which if approved by MEPA, would be located just some 300 metres away from the retreat home. "We are concerned about safe- ty, apart from the noise… a 2006 draft policy on shooting ranges stated that they should not be lo- cated close to hospitals, schools, or homes for the retired," Mount St Joseph Director Stephen Scerri said last week. Speaking to MaltaToday, Ma- gro said the Jesuits will not be intimidated by the threats and insisted that "the public is on our side." He said that up to 7,000 people have signed an online petition and thousands more have signed a petition which is being collect- ed by sympathisers in opposition to the project. "We're not doing this for us but for the people who use and enjoy the oasis of peace at Mount St Joseph," Magro said. The Jesuit provincial also noted that he held a "positive" meeting with junior minister for planning Michael Falzon who "under- stood" the concerns raised and reassured him that no decision was taken yet. Yesterday, the Nationalist Party issued a statement to express its solidarity with the Jesuit Order and called for dialogue between the two sides. But Magro said that while poli- ticians from the two major politi- cal parties have not supported the Jesuits' opposition to the project, he did not wish to turn the issue into a political football. However, he added, "whoever opposes the project is welcome on board." The bullet and note received by the Jesuits on Monday Investors seek to assuage shooting range fears Busbesija shooting range will not disturb Jesuits' peace, Russian investors say Anastasia Budykho

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