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MT 14 June 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 14 JUNE 2015 10 News JAMES DEBONO THE new Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development (SPED), which is set to replace the Structure Plan that guides all plan- ning decisions across Malta and Gozo, will not protect the views of historical centres like Valletta and Mdina from any development tak- ing place elsewhere, as Din l-Art Helwa was proposing. The proposal to include the pro- tection of historical and natural landscapes was made by Din l-Art Helwa (DLH) when parliament's committee for the environment and planning was discussing the new document, which will replace the 1992 Structure Plan. The proposal was only partly tak- en up by government MPs who ap- proved an amendment that states that "development within historic sites is to be carried out in such a manner as to ensure that the his- toric sites' skyline is not adversely affected". NGOs were invited to propose amendments to the SPED docu- ment by committee chairman Marlene Farrugia. Only some of these amendments were included in the final draft to be discussed by the plenary in the next weeks. The PN's committee members abstained over reserva- tions on the entire document. DLH proposed on 19 May that "historic skylines and buildings of importance in the landscape are to be preserved with a conservation status given to the surrounding landscape". The NGO proposed a clause calling for the "protection of land- scapes of cultural and natural im- portance to ensure that vistas are not ruined." It also called for the classification of landscapes according to their importance to further strengthen their protection. The amendments were aimed at protecting both rural and urban landscapes from development, particularly high-rise blocks. An example cited by DLH coun- cil member Joanna Spiteri Staines was the vernacular landscape sur- rounding the Manikata modernist chapel, which has been obliterated by insensitive development. "Mal- ta should follow the example of other countries the Tuscan region in Italy where landscape protec- tion orders have been approved," she said. Opposition planning spokesper- son Ryan Callus said the tweaking of Din l-Art Helwa's proposals was an example of the government's lack of vision. "Din l-Art Helwa's submission has been tweaked to such an extent of becoming com- pletely irrelevant - from protecting the historic skyline to protecting a site's hsitoric skyline. This is com- pletely absurd as a skyline is never unique to one site, but to a number of sites jointly forming a skyline." The full list of amendments made to the SPED now pave the way for ODZ development in rural areas in those cases where no "feasible" alternative is found within the de- velopment zone. Sustainable ODZ development? The latest amendments pro- posed that "land take-up in rural areas is considered as a last resort and where it is essential for the achievement of sustainable devel- opment." This definition tallies with a declaration by environment Min- ister Leo Brincat who recently de- scribed the downscaled university development at Zonqor Point as an example of "sustainable devel- opment." Brincat later went on record say- ing that the original proposal was not sustainable. In comments on the final SPED draft, Din l-Art Helwa said the term 'sustainable development' had been turned into a very broad concept which is difficult to de- fine. "It can be applied very loosely to justify development in rural areas. Who will determine what develop- ment can be considered as sustain- able, and on what basis?" DLH has expressed concern that the term 'feasible' is not defined. "This opens a loophole to enable the development of large commer- cial projects in rural areas," it said. 'Feasibility' is already being sug- Operational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 Investing in the Human Capital to Create More Opportunities and Promote the Well being of Society PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT – CALL II European Social Fund The Managing Authority for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 in Malta, the Planning and Priorities Co- ordination Department (PPCD) within the Ministry or European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto (MEAIM), would like to announce that it will shortly be launching a call for project proposals, under the following Priority Axes and Investment Priorities: Priority Axis 2 - 'Towards a more inclusive society' This call is open to Ministries, Government Departments, Central Government Authorities and the Public Sector Companies, Local Councils, NGOs, Social Partners and Voluntary Organisations. ! Investment priority (IP) 9i - Active inclusion, including with a view to promoting equal opportunities and active participation, and improving employability ! Investment priority (IP) 9iv - Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high quality services, including health care and social services of general interest Priority Axis 3 – 'Investing in people through Education, Training and Life Long Learning' This call is restricted to interventions undertaken by Public Administration. ! Investment priority (IP) 10i - Reducing and preventing early school leaving and promoting equal access to good quality early childhood, primary and secondary education including formal, non-formal and informal learning pathways for reintegrating into education and training Private Individuals and undertakings [as per definition in Companies Act, Chapter 386 of the Laws of Malta, Article 2(1)], as well as organisations having links and/or an economic/commercial nature, are NOT the target group of this call for proposals. The actual launch of the call, together with details of the related Information Session, will be published in the coming weeks and will also be available on our webpage: The related Application Form and relevant documentation (including the list of eligible actions) will be made available through the same link once the call is launched. In the meantime, background documents and further information may be obtained from or from PPCD's Online Helpdesk: This notice should be considered as a pre-announcement to allow interested applicants additional time to prepare projects. Operational Programme II - Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life Advert part financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF), Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds Investing in your Future SPED fails to protect historical landscapes Development in rural areas like Zonqor Point to be allowed if considered essential for "sustainable development"

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