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MT 10 Jan 2016

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 10 JANUARY 2016 This Week 33 WHAT'S ON temporary exhibitions with an exhibition dedicated to antique watches. Over 50 watches specially loaned from private and museum collections, highlight the technological and artistic qualities of antique watches. This exhibition is guest-curated by David Thompson, who occupied the role of senior curator of Horology at the British Museum until his recent retirement. The exhibition considers their variations and functions, and takes an in-depth look at particularly important watches belonging to notable personalities. More information: JANUARY 15-FEBRUARY 14 Jesmond Vassallo: Recent figurative works Exhibition of paintings by Jesmond Vassallo at St James Cavalier, Valletta. Jesmond Vassallo's recent corpus of works explores the human body through the mediums of drawing, printing and painting. The theme is explored in diverse techniques and styles, however it tackles the importance of the human figure in the contemporary practice of painting. BOOK LAUNCH JANUARY 14 Barefoot in the Saltpans Book launch for Daniel Massa's latest poetry collection at the Valletta Campus, University of Malta at 18:30. There will be readings, discussion and music. A wine reception will follow. How to become a machine ACHTUNG! Achtung! Europa… is a theatre play based on the writ- ings of Heiner Mueller adapted for stage by Nenad Aleksovski. It will be performed at St James Cavalier, Valletta between Janu- ary 14 and 16. Achtung! Achtung! Europa … is a story about four individuals disappointed in the system – re- jected actor, raped girl, censored writer and frustrated intellectual, all with the same intention to end their existing pain by becoming machines. It will feature a mix of actors from diverse backgrounds, including a guest actor from Macedonia and students from the School of Performing Arts, University of Malta. Banda Teatarska is an interna- tional production team founded in 2014 by Nenad Aleksovski, in- cluding Sasa 'Chile' Jovanovic, Ju- lien Vinet and Angie Aleksovski. Nenad is currently reading for a Masters in Theatre Studies at the University of Malta, having an honors degree in music from the University of St Cyril and Metho- dius in Skopje and a Sound De- sign certificate from SAE Insti- tute in Brussels. He always had a passion for contemporary theatre and caba- ret, starting when he was success- fully running his own cabaret in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He has directed two productions in Malta so far, namely Pocket Brecht in June 2014 consisting of a collection of poetry and song by Bertolt Brecht as well as the play Unhuman Resources based upon the American playwright Eric Coble staged at the MADC One Act Festival in September 2015. His ambition is to offer a regular stream of contemporary theatre performances. Vladimir Ilic in Achtung! Achtung! Europa DIN l-Art Helwa announces that the lecture: 'Mal- ta's Heritage Trees – Amazing Plant Monuments' will be delivered by Dr Joseph Buhagiar on January, 21 at the Judge Caruana Curran Hall, 133, Melita Street, Val- letta, at 18:30. Buhagiar is a lec- turer of Biology at the University of Malta and Director of the Argotti Botanic Gardens. In 1982 he gradu- ated B. Ed (Hons) and continued his postgraduate studies from 1991 ob- taining an M. Phil. at the University of Malta and a Ph.D. from Notting- ham University, where his research centred on investigations into the bioactivity of plant extracts. Dr Buhagiar will talk about an of- ten ignored cultural treasure of the island – indigenous and exotic trees that are special because of their an- tiquity, size or rarity. Monumental or Heritage trees occur in our gardens but some are scattered in unexpected locations. This lecture will allow us to explore some beautiful towering trees dating back to ancient times, some even before the era of the Knights of Malta and testimonies of remote sto- ries and traditions. The lecture is organized by Din l- Art Helwa, the Malta National Trust and will be delivered free of charge in English. Any donations made to this organization will be devolved to the care, restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage in Malta. For further information log on to:, www.din- or contact 2122 5952 Public lecture on Malta's heritage trees Ancient Carob at Xemxija Nomad Son The Creepers

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