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MT 11 June 2017

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 11 JUNE 2017 23 letting anyone hop on board the bandwagon in order to attract votes. I'm not going to single anyone out, but let's just say that part of the reason that the PN lost a lot of its credibility with the man-in-the-street was because it was not being discerning enough. I also really wish the Labour Party would stop allowing just anyone who has deserted the PN to come along and contest on their ticket. I find it so very wrong to see someone who was previously such a loud political adversary to present himself newly repackaged and standing for election. Whom are we trying to kid? It also should be taken as a matter of course that your candidates are vetted properly and adhere to proper behaviour befitting someone running for office, rather than being loose cannons who will do anything to hog the limelight, perhaps providing a few moments of comic relief, but ultimately doing more harm than good. Let's improve the level of debate I think it is safe to say that the Xarabank debate between Muscat and Busuttil will go down in history as one of the worst examples of political debates I have ever seen. Both men were tense and clearly hostile towards each other, which was not a pretty sight. The discourse quickly deteriorated into childish name-calling. Seeing the Prime Minister calling the Opposition Leader 'chicken' was hardly the highlight of this campaign. If that was bad, the utter shambles of a discussion on Brian Hansford's Networks was even worse. Marlene Farrugia was unable to restrain herself and kept up a monologue throughout the whole programme even when her mic was turned down low. The rest of the panel had to resort to shouting to get a word in edgewise. Are we surprised that ordinary people are unable to argue or discuss without it turning into a slanging match, when politicians give such a bad example? Let's introduce debating societies in our schools from an early age so that one day we might have proper discussions, where people actually listen before replying and where they respect the other person's point of view without resorting to ad hominem attacks. Who knows? It might even filter down to the exchanges on Facebook as well. Lessons to be learned about being an op-ed columnist Writing a column in this polarized country has always been tricky, but during this election it became a veritable minefield. Inevitably, columnists were accused of having a loaded political agenda, of being biased towards one side or the other, or of being in the pockets of one of the two parties. We were told (almost lectured) about what we should write, when we should write it and how we should write on a regular basis. Of course, that comes with the territory and we have all learned how to take the flak, but it becomes pretty tiring to be told 'why don't you ever write about…?' when in fact we would have, several times, if people ever bothered to read past a headline. There is also this insistence that if you criticise one side you must also criticise the other par conducio as the Italians say. But op-ed columnists are not the Broadcasting Authority – we are not here to ensure an equal amount of column inches for or against any of the parties to keep some sort of balance. Balance is achieved by the editors of the newspaper which provides space to columnists with different views. The operative word is 'opinion' and that is exactly what a columnist is there to provide, especially during an election, which is their view of what is going on, including their take on the political messages vs the public mood. We are not there to do propaganda or PR for one side or the other or to spin a story so that it fits in with the rhetoric of whatever party is clamouring for our attention. When we sit down to bash out our thoughts on a blank document, as the clock ticks away reminding us of our deadline, we need to take a step back from our personal political beliefs and do our very best to honour the truth. Whether we manage or not is what make or breaks our credibility and reputation. The media has taken a terrible bashing in this campaign and it is clear that many people no longer trust the Fourth Estate. However, I believe that the majority of those who provide political and social commentary do so with an analytical eye which tries to provide an insight into this complex multi-faceted island from their own vantage point, and their own life experiences. And of course you are free to disagree, get hot under the collar and rail against an opinion which rubs you the wrong way. And you are also free to skip that columnist's article completely and move on to some other writer whose column fits in more with your own views. After all, that is what freedom of expression is all about. Thursday TVM 20:50 The Xarabank debate between Muscat and Busuttil will go down in history as one of the worst examples of political debates I have ever seen Opinion

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