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maltatoday SUNDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2018 39 Travel Herons and egrets are usually large birds but the little bittern is a pygmy. Dwarfish dimensions aside, however, all its attributes are typically heron: long neck (often held tucked in), long dagger- shaped bill and long lanky legs with spindly toes; in short, all the tools it needs to survive in a watery habitat hunting for slippery food like frogs and small fish. Little bitterns (M. russett tas-siġar) are usually birds we see – almost always fleetingly, they are so shy – in autumn and spring while they are migrating to or from Africa respectively. Sometimes, though, one or two overwinter in suitable reedy/watery areas such as Is-Simar and Għadira nature reserves, where hunters don't normally get at them. Like all heron species, the little bittern is a protected species but they too often fall prey to trigger-happy morons. Some years back the birds nested a couple of times in the reedbed at Is-Simar but BirdLife has no other confirmed breeding records since then. We are looking for a long- term, tech-savvy volunteer to work with us, dedicating a few hours a week help coordinate and manage our external communications input on social media, content on our blog and other aspect of public relations. If you have an interest in environmental and social issues both in Malta, on an EU and Global level and would like to contribute to the work that we do at Friends of the Earth Malta, we would love to hear from you. 597. LITTLE BITTERN Visit Friends of the Earth's website for more information about our work, as well as for information about how to join us. You can also support us by sending us a donation - GREEN IDEA OF THE WEEK 500: Find out more – Text Victor Falzon Photo Raymond Vella BEST PLACE TO EAT Prague is most famous for its fairytale-like architecture but foodies will be pleased to note that this is also a great spot for sampling the very best of Czech traditional fare. Popu- lar among locals, farmers markets will show you what's seasonal and traditional, which is what you should be demanding of restaurants in the city. There are many farmers markets in the city but perhaps the most notable are Naplavka, Jirak, Holesovice and Dejvice. The summer months see a bounty of fresh fruit and vegetables, though in the winter months these markets are dedicated more to pre- serves, cheeses, hot drinks and meals and root vegetables. Traditional foods to try while in Prague include grilované klobásy, which is a grilled sausage, tucked into a roll and topped with sauces, guláš, which is the Czech version of goulash, though served with fewer vegeta- bles and more meat and served with traditional dumplings, or knedlíky. If you have a sweet tooth, try palačinky, thin crepes-like pancakes rolled with jam, fruit, cream or nuts, trdelník, a traditional Slovak rolled pastry The Czechs claim that the best beer in the world is made in Prague and where better to put this to the test? The tradition of brewing beer with in the Czech Republic started all the way back in the year 993 in the Břevnov Monastery in Prague. The most common Czech beers are pale lagers of pilsner type, with characteristic transparent golden colour, high foaminess and lighter flavour. Another fun fact: the Czech Republic has the highest beer consumption per capita in the world! The most popular beers in the Czech Republic are Pilsner Urquell, the world's first pilsner and Budweiser Budvar. Take a trip to the Czech Beer Museum and get the chance to bottle your own beer. BEST PLACE FOR A NIGHT OUT Whatever you deem the perfect night out, Prague has got you cov- ered. A night of opera, ballet and drama is on the cards at Pargue's National Theatre Národní Di- vadlo. The theatre was completed in 1881 and contains busts of Czech theatrical personalities and some of the country's best- known artists. Combine dinner and a movie at the Royal Café Theatre. More of a dining experience than a movie house, screenings have included Charlie Chaplin movies together with live piano and dinner and Amélie with wine and cheese and various Czech movies, but don't worry, they have English subti- tles. The JazzDock is the place to be if you like jazz music and clubbers will enjoy dancing the night away at Cross Club. BEST SPOT TO WIND DOWN AND ENJOY NATURE Vysehrad or "Castle on the heights" is a beautiful place to visit at any time or day or any time of year. To get into the essence of the place, walk around the huge, beautiful park that covers the area. Even more astonishing than the park or historic buildings are the views of the city, the bridges over Vltava and the Prague Castle. The best viewing point are from the Gothic ruins of Libuses Bath's. Walks at sunset and by night are sure to leave an impression but get yourself oriented before dark- ness falls to make sure you don't get lost. A night of opera, ballet and drama is on the cards at Pargue's National Theatre Národní Divadlo Vysehrad or "Castle on the heights" is a beautiful place to visit at any time or day or any time of year Slovack rolled pastries, trdelník, are popular throughout the city

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