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MALTATODAY 17 October 2018 Midweek

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maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 17 OCTOBER 2018 6 NEWS REGISTER OF BENEFICIAL OWNERS ATTENTION ALL FOUNDATIONS & ASSOCIATIONS As Per the Regula�ons in Legal No�ces 375 & 376 of 2017: ALL FOUNDATIONS & ASSOCIATIONS ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THEIR BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP TO THE REGISTRAR FOR LEGAL PERSONS, AT THE PUBLIC REGISTRY, AT IDENTITY MALTA. The Regula�ons came into effect as from the 1 st of January 2018, to implement Direc�ve (EU) 849/2015 on the preven�on of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing. Please note as follows: All founda�ons & associa�ons, sports organisa�ons, coopera�ves & any other organisa�on, not being exempted in the said Regula�ons, WHETHER REGISTERED OR NOT in terms of any law, & WHETHER ESTABLISHED BEFORE OR AFTER 1 st January 2018, are required to comply. Informa�on on the legal term 'beneficial ownership' & on the method of submission of the required form may be obtained from the website of the Registrar for Legal Persons h�ps://iden� The form to be ini�ally submi�ed is Form 1 – Submission of Ini�al Informa�on, which is found on the same webpage. For further informa�on, kindly contact the Office of the Registrar for Legal Persons, at the Public Registry, Malta, Evans Building Level 1, Merchants Street, Valle�a, via telephone on 25904108/9 or via email to & ALL ORGANISATIONS ARE URGED TO COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY MAT THEW AGIUS A man has been denied bail after he was charged with grievously injuring his girl- friend during a row. Swieqi resident Dorde Markovic, 29 from Serbia, appeared before magistrate Simone Grech yesterday, accused of grievously injur- ing the woman and using force against her. Inspector Leeroy Balzan Engerer ex- plained that the accused was arrested af- ter a woman came to the S Julian's police station with a medical certificate of her injuries, saying that she had been beaten up by her boyfriend the previous night. She alleged that over their 18-month relation- ship, he had threatened her life on numer- ous occasions, often over things as trivial as her coming home later than agreed. Balzan Engerer asked that the case be dealt with under the Domestic Violence Act as the pair had been living together for over a year. The Act carries far harsher punishment for such offences. A not guilty plea was entered, the defence requesting bail. Lawyer Josette Sultana ex- plained to the court that the accused had left the couple's home and was residing in Swatar. But the prosecution objected to bail as there were witnesses who were yet to testi- fy. "The accused knows where she lives and it is very probable that he will do some- thing to her," said the inspector. However, both parties agreed that the accused had complied with the police in- structions. The court, after hearing both sides make submissions on bail and considering the circumstances of the case and the nature of the charges brought against him, as well as having seen the documentation provided and the law, denied the man release from arrest. No bail for man accused of beating up girlfriend JAMES DEBONO THE PA is faced with two ad- jacent ODZ applications; one for a petrol station and one for a supermarket, both being pro- posed at the edge of the town along Triq Burmarrad, and both sprawling into the rural environment characterising the road leading from San Pawl tat-Targa to Burmarrad. While the application for a supermarket has been present- ed a few weeks ago by Bonnici Brothers, the application for the new petrol station complex proposed by Bonnici Stores Limited has been presented 11 years ago but is now being pro- cessed according to the con- troversial policy approved in 2014 regulating fuel stations in the ODZ, which policy is cur- rently under review. The two companies involved are not connected. The Planning Authority has already approved an ODZ pet- rol station 1.2 km away from the proposed site on the other edge of Burmarrad opposite the Kiabi discount store, also approved outside development zones instead of a winery in 2015. In a scathing report assess- ing the environmental impact assessment presented by the developers earlier on this year, the Environment and Resourc- es Authority has described the proposed petrol station as one involving an "extravagant land take up." The proposal envisages the relocation of a kerb side petrol station in the residential area of Burmarrad. But ERA insists that this is not a simple reloca- tion but a "major expansion." The proposal involves a fuel service station (including au- togas dispensing and electric car charging), a car wash and drying area, a garage for vehi- cle maintenance and testing, commercial premises selling car consumables and other items, an ancillary office and staff facilities, and a store used for items relating to the garage. Seven dispensers will be in- stalled to dispense liquid fuels from a total of 36 hoses, with an addition of two autogas dis- pensers having two hoses each and two electric car charging points. According to the EIA the proposal will result in the di- rect loss of around 3,770sq.m of agricultural land, which is considered to be of medium agricultural quality. The site is largely fallow. In objecting to this fuel sta- tion ERA has reiterated its consistent position that there is no valid justification for the further loss of undeveloped land outside the development zone boundary, for the devel- opment of petrol stations. ERA had also recently object- ed to a supermarket proposed by Bonnici Brothers. ERA said there was no justification in taking up agricultural land to have a supermarket in an area which was already served by at least two nearby facilities. The environment watchdog is pointing out that apart from Scotts Supermarket, which is 750 metres away, there is Pis- copo Cash and Carry, just five minutes away by car. ODZ petrol station next to ODZ supermarket? Burmarrad expansion A fuel station is being proposed on the area outlined in dark blue. The supermarket is being proposed on an adjacent field. Extent of development boundaries is outlined by red line

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