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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2015 11 JAMES DEBONO THE widened coast road is becom- ing a magnet for development pro- posals seeking to exploit this strate- gic location, despite being outside development boundaries (ODZ) for commercial development. Two kiosks are now being pro- posed along the road on the other side of the new roundabout where a petrol station is also being pro- posed by the Bilom development group. The two applications for an ice- cream parlour and a takeaway, both located on the strategically placed land parcel, were presented by Elaine and Clint Galea, a couple from Fgura, and have the same fu- turistic design. The two kiosks are proposed to be 3.7 metres high and each occu- pies a site area of around 20 square metres. The application states that the ap- plicants have notified the owner of the land (the government) of their intention to develop a kiosk. Technically, any individual can apply for development on public land if he or she informs the lands department of his or her inten- tion to do so. The Lands Depart- ment can only decide on whether to allow the development after the Malta Environment and Planning Authority issues the permit. The Government Property Divi- sion's website says that if you are interested in placing a mobile ki- osk on a government public space "you should first seek MEPA's ap- proval for the mobile kiosk. If this is granted then GPD will evaluate your request and may grant you a permit". Another tract of public land on the coast road, which is registered in the name of the ministry for transport, is being earmarked for the construction of a 3,000 square- metre petrol station by the Bilom Group, one of Malta's fastest grow- ing construction groups. MaltaToday has confirmed with the parliamentary secretariat for lands that the area selected for the intended petrol station, next to the newly constructed roundabout at Bahar ic-Caghaq and opposite the Qalet Marku coastline, was regis- tered with the transport ministry's precursor, the ministry for re- sources and rural affairs. However, no tenders for the lease of the site have been granted for this area, the secretariat told MaltaToday. But the applicants, Bilom Es- tates Limited shareholder Nathan Bartolo and Bilom Group owner Michael Bugeja, have indicated they hold a "title of lease" over part of the land. The ODZ land where the huge petrol sta- tion is being proposed is described in the planning application as "disused land". Plans s u b m i t t e d to MEPA foresee the development of a car wash, a retail shop, an office and a store. The ap- plication is still being screened by MEPA, which has yet to inform the developer whether the proposed development conforms with exist- ing policies. MEPA is already assessing four applications for the development of ODZ petrol stations in the Maght- ab, Bahar ic-Caghaq, Burmarrad and Salini area. Easysell Kia Malta Ltd, a compa- ny owned by the Tumas Group, is proposing a petrol station in Bur- marrad. The petrol station is being proposed on a vacant site desig- nated as an 'area of containment' but which was formerly a rural area ruined by past irregularities. Another proposal in Burmarrad is being made by Construction and Turnkey House Ltd. The develop- ment is being proposed next to an area of containment on land desig- nated for its agricultural value. The Environment Protection Directo- rate has already objected to this proposal. Another application was present- ed by Luqa Construction Ltd to relocate an existing petrol station from Valley Road, Msida, to Triq is-Salini. A fuel station is also being pro- posed on a triangular plot of land wedged between Triq is-Salini to the west and Trejqet l-Arznu to the east. The surrounding area includes crop and livestock farms and small-scale industrial develop- ments. News News WIN! With our caption competition 26 VIRTU FERRIES TICKETS TO BE WON! Take advantage of our 16th anniversary competition and win a ticket to Sicily by filling in the speech bubbles in the photograph. Fill in the form with your name and address, email and phone number. The competition closes on 10 December, and the best captions will be given one return ticket Malta–Pozzallo–Malta valid until the end of the year. The winners of last week's caption were Maria Gauci from Mellieha with the caption: Who is that guy tickling my mum? And Laura Borg from Attard Prince Charles to Premier Trudeau: "You're pretty young to be Prime Minister already! I'm jealous! Mama won't steps down to let me be King. I'm already of pensionable age!!" Queen: "I heard that! I heard that! Too bad Charles, my boy! No such luck yet!" Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________ Telephone _________________________________________________________ YOUR CAPTION: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Send to: MaltaToday 16th Anniversary competition, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann maltatoday Two kiosks proposed on Coast road The coast road, strategic and scenic and (below) a design of the kiosks being proposed

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