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MT 6 December 2015

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44 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2015 44 Banif promotes employee wellbeing WITH a view to continue fostering a health-conscious and positive workplace, Banif Bank has devel- oped a number of initiatives to promote employee wellbeing. In this regard, the Bank rolled out a first aid training programme, in collaboration with Emergency First Response. Employees were trained in core concepts such as situational assessment and basic emergency treatments, as well as CPR. In line with the latest health and safety principles, Banif now has qualified first aiders at each branch and at its Central Services office. Moreover, earlier this year, the Bank teamed up with YUE to or- ganise a series of wellbeing work- shops for employees, with the aim of promoting both physical and mental fitness. The sessions incor- porated talks on nutrition, work- shops facilitated by the Richmond Foundation, experience sharing sessions by Everest expedition leader Greg Attard and examples of light physical exercise to com- bat a sedentary lifestyle. Taking a holistic approach to wellness, the sessions were met with very posi- tive feedback from employees. "We promote several initiatives, which help our team members find the right balance, whilst also encouraging healthier lifestyle choices," said Karl Dingli, Head of Corporate Services at Banif Bank. "The value of having qualified first aiders can never be underesti- mated, as with the right knowledge and training an individual can make the difference when the situ- ation calls for it. Meanwhile, the wellbeing workshops remind us all of how best to maintain health and vigour in our daily lives, which motivates us to bring more posi- tivity into the workplace." New general manager for General Soft Drinks BRIAN Galea has been appoint- ed as the new general manager of The General Soft Drinks Co. Ltd (GSD) and GSD Marketing Ltd (GSDM). GSD is the local authorised bottler of The Coca-Cola Com- pany (TCCC) in Malta, while GSDM distributes TCCC prod- ucts manufactured in Malta as well as imports, sells and dis- tributes other TCCC products including Nestea, Cappy Juices and Powerade. GSDM also imports, sells and distributes other brands includ- ing Llanllyr water, Monster, Stella Artois, Bavaria, Berlin Beer, Lowenbrau, Heineken in kegs, Caffé Mauro and Evian. Galea's appointment comes as a result of management changes in the organisation structure of the GSD Companies, answering to the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Maria Micallef, who al- so has the same role of COO in ARKADIA Marketing Ltd and The Waterfront Hotel. Previously the Technical Man- ager of GSD, Galea will take up this appointment with imme- diate effect. Having joined the company in 1993, he is known for his excellent management skills, leadership approach, de- cision-making qualities and di- rective nature. In 2008, he was instrumental in the design and construction of the GSD fac- tory. Galea continues to ably lead the GSD Companies with his most recent project: manag- ing the successful implementa- tion of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Micallef remarked that Man- aging Director Brian Mizzi, the Mizzi Organisation Board of Directors and TCCC are very happy with this appointment, which they saw as a natural choice. Micallef said: "Brian has worked passionately and with dedication for many years. His input and the results attained are quite impressive. We wish him all the success in the new role and look forward to his in- put in the GSD Companies to take them forward to the next level." Other new appointments at the GSD Companies are those of Donald Camilleri, currently Manufacturing Engineer, who has been promoted to Techni- cal Manager, and Stephen Bon- nici who will take up the role of Human Resources Manager also taking care of the Public Affairs & Communications of the company. Maria Micallef, Chief Operating Officer of The General Soft Drinks Ltd and GSD Marketing Ltd, congratulating new General Manager Brian Galea Bavaria Brewery named best family company in the world BAVARIA Brewery, one of the old- est privately held and run com- panies in the Netherlands, was awarded the 20th annual IMD- Lombard Odier Global Fam- ily Business Award at the 26th Summit of the Family Business Network International (FBN-I) in Montreux, Switzerland. Awarded by IMD, a top-ranked global business school, and by Lombard Odier, one of the main private banks in Europe, this prize is regarded by many as the most prestigious for successful family businesses. It recognises the way in which such firms unite family interests with those of the business and combine tradition and innova- tion while demonstrating a clear commitment to their local com- munity. Bavaria, represented in Malta by BeerHouse Ltd and distributed by GSD Marketing Ltd, is the second largest brewery in The Nether- lands, which was founded before 1680 and has been owned and run by the Swinkels family since 1764. A global brewer with roots in local ground, the company is in its seventh generation of family ownership and leadership. It had revenues of $503.9 million in 2014, operates in more than 120 coun- tries and employs approximately 1,000 people. This year, the Award is celebrat- ing its 20th anniversary and pays tribute to a long list of prestigious recipients. It renews its commit- ment to recognising and docu- menting exceptional family busi- ness performance, enhancing its role as a platform for family busi- nesses to exchange best practices, analyse the economic situation and learn from each other. Previ- ous winners include world-class companies such as LEGO, Ayala Corporation, S.C. Johnson, Her- mès, Barilla, Yazaki Corporation, Merck, Firmenich and Bel Group. Bavaria was described as unique in finding solutions as a mid-sized company that has been operating in the fiercely competitive bever- ages industry. The Swinkels family has demonstrated an extraordinary capacity to be resilient and innova- tive in finding solutions to adapt their business model to changing industry and market structures. Their visionary family leadership included not only the business di- mension but has identified ways to solve the classic family business di- lemmas and be flexible in defining structures that would strengthen the family business identity over time and invest into preparing the next generations for getting in- volved. "The task of each generation is to find out what's happening in soci- ety and adapt to it. It is a matter of staying 'fresh'," explained J.R. Swinkels (7th generation, CEO). Today, a team of 7th generation cousins is leading the operative business and has developed origi- nal marketing strategies and suc- cessful niche market strategies to compete with global multibillion- dollar competitors with a strong commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The family business is the old- est and most widespread business model throughout the world. A major source of revenue, jobs and tax contributions, family business- es are key players in the economic system and often serve as models for long-term growth, profitability, stability and survival through peri- ods of crisis. The award trophy is fashioned out of crystal and bears the shape of a tree – a symbol of family busi- nesses. It was generously donated by the Scheufele family from Cho- pard and was crafted in Geneva – a further example of a success- ful family business in the global arena. FACEWORKS Ltd. a leading com- pany specialised in demolition and excavation works is commit- ted to invest in the most advanced technologies in order to offer the safest solutions on the market. To keep abreast with competi- tion and in conformity with all EU laws, the management of the company has organized a set of seminars to Faceworks Ltd.'s employees which enabled them to achieve the Certificate of Pro- fessional Competence (CPC) for drivers of large good vehicles (LGV). This qualification has been de- veloped as a requirement of the EU Directive 2003/59, which aims to improve the knowledge and skills of professional LGV drivers. An emphasis is made on road safety, to promote the con- cept of efficient driving. Moreo- ver drivers are made aware of the regulations applicable and of the significance of a customer-ori- ented service. Faceworks Ltd.'s cutting edge is in the ability to guarantee peace of mind, particularly for develop- ment in residential areas. Their modern f leet of excavators and trucks is equipped with the lat- est technology that is designed to avoid accidental damages and prevent excessive noise levels. For more information, please send us an email at info@face-, visit our Facebook page, or call us on +356 9997 5377. Faceworks to offer competence certification courses

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