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MT 6 December 2015

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17 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2015 How are MEPs using their powers to fight climate change? CLIMATE change – perhaps the greatest environmental chal- lenge of our time – remains a key focus for the European Par- liament, whose MEPs participate in United Nations climate summits to call on EU and international partners and show more ambition as the world works towards a globally binding climate treaty. The European Parliament has passed laws in a bid to curb greenhouse gas emissions and steer the EU towards a low- carbon economy that is less dependent on costly fossil fuel imports. The laws included overhauling the transport and energy sec- tors to ensure that the EU produces more fuel-efficient cars, vans and motorbikes and invests in alternative fuels that will not cost the planet. Landmark EU targets set for 2020 Cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 20% and to source 20% of energy from renewable sources – MEPs plan to freeze the auctioning of some CO2 permits from the European Emis- sions Trading System scheme in order to restore the incen- tive effect of the scheme and encourage firms to invest in low- carbon innovation. Clean and efficient sources of energy New energy efficiency legislation will help consumers to cut their energy bills and the EU as a whole to hit its climate change target of using 20% less energy by 2020. The approved com- pulsory energy-saving measures – including renovating public buildings, energy-saving schemes for utilities and energy audits for all large firms – could save €50 billion per year and create many thousands of new "green" jobs. Building codes in the member states will require all new buildings to have near-zero energy consumption, and impose regular inspections of boilers and air-conditioning systems. Mandatory energy labelling for household appliances will help consumers to assess running costs. Parliament also pushed successfully for stricter eco-design requirements – or tougher standards – for fluorinated gases in air-conditioning and fridges to help ensure that consumers can make informed and climate-friendly choices. Under the current review of biofuels, legislation, Parliament supported the development of cleaner, second-generation products, taking into account the impact of biofuels on land- use change. It has also kept a close eye on shale gas, calling on member states to ensure robust rules on "fracking", while pressing for a comprehensive EU review of chemicals and wa- ter legislation to ensure that it keeps up with the emergence of this energy source. Secure gas supplies European households need no longer fear having their gas cut off in any future gas supply crisis, thanks to Parliament's ap- proval of EU-wide co-ordination and interconnection arrange- ments in legislation. The new rules are intended to reduce vulnerability to future disruption and boost infrastructure development at national and EU level. Market mechanisms remain the first course of action, but households will be protected first during a crisis. Transport: ensuring better fuel-efficiency The EP pushed for laws to drive forward innovation and re- duce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new cars and vans by 2020. This will cut the EU's climate impact from road trans- port while offering motorists better fuel efficiency. Road trans- port is the second-biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, after power generation. It contributes about a fifth of the EU's total CO2 emissions. New rules to make motorbikes greener – and also safer – were put in place. MEPs set up a common system of type ap- proval for powered two-wheel vehicles ranging from mopeds to heavy motorcycles. Road toll prices for the haulage industry were originally in- tended to cover only infrastructure costs. They will now re- flect the cost of noise and air pollution as well. Parliament adopted rules designed to strike a balance between the eco- nomic interests of the countries on the EU's periphery and environmental needs. MEPs successfully fought for cleaner shipping fuels and are also exerting pressure for global agreements to ensure cuts in shipping and aviation emissions. Industrial pollution Over 50,000 industrial installations ranging from power stations to pig farms will need to meet tougher rules aimed at protecting against air, soil and water pollution. The law cov- ers harmful pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. MEPs also passed legislation to end the scrapping of old EU-registered ships on non-EU beaches and ensure that they are recycled at EU-approved facilities worldwide. Parliament backed plans for reducing the use of the most common and most polluting plastic bags by at least 80% by 2019. Plastic carrier bag litter is a major environmental prob- lem, known to pollute water bodies and aquatic eco-systems in particular. E-waste Parliament backed laws to tackle the EU's e-waste mountain. EU Member States will be obliged to collect and recycle more discarded fridges, phones and other e-waste. MEPs succeeded in making it easier for consumers to return small products and harder for unscrupulous operators to ship e-waste illegally out of the EU. Oil spills and hazardous chemicals Parliament backed legislation that ensures that oil and gas firms will be held liable for the costs of any potential environ- mental damage – and must have the means to pay – or else be denied licences to drill in EU waters. MEPs updated chemicals legislation to reduce risks to eco- systems and public health. New rules on pest-control products, for example, ban the most hazardous substances and require alternatives to be found to other problematic chemicals that are still in use. Parliament also tightened up the rules on inspections of dan- gerous chemical sites and ensured that the public has a right to know about installations in their local area, in the wake of the red mud disaster in Hungary. MADE IN PARIS? Concern on terrorism in Malta is obscuring other global concerns such as climate change, a survey published by the European Commission this week shows. But despite being overtaken by other global problems, climate change is still seen as a very serious problem. The percentage of Maltese who regard climate change as the world's greatest problem has fallen from 30% in 2013 to 14% now as the percentage who regard terrorism as a top global problem has risen by 30 points. Malta registered the greatest increase in the percentage who regard terrorism as the greatest problem facing the globe. The percentage of those who regard global poverty as the main global problem has fallen by 5 points in both Malta and the rest of Europe. Concern on the economic situation has fallen by 8 points in the EU and 9 points in Malta. But although the percentage who regard climate change as the world's greatest problem has fallen, the Maltese still regard climate change as an important issue. When asked which concrete action they have taken to tackle climate change, only a fifth of the Maltese – compared to an EU average of 36% – replied that they are using environmentally friendly alternatives to their car, such as walking, riding a bike, using public transport or car sharing. But while only 6% of EU citizens have installed renewable energy sources in their own homes, 16% of Maltese claim to have done so. But the Maltese are less likely to insulate their room – 13% compared to an EU mean of 23%. More than three-quarters of the Maltese compared to 74% of EU members try to reduce their waste and regularly separate it for recycling. Six in ten buy locally produced seasonal food whenever possible (60%, compared with an EU average of 49%). 56% try to cut their use of disposable items whenever possible, just 1 point less than all EU citizens. Seven in ten respondents in Malta say that climate change is a "very serious" problem (70%), 1 point more than the percentage of all EU citizens who express the same view. Half of the respondents believe their national government is responsible for tackling climate change (50%, EU average: 42%). One fifth say they themselves have a responsibility for tackling climate change (20%, close to the EU average of 19%). Nearly six in ten respondents say they have taken some personal action to fight climate change in the past six months (58%, above the EU average of 49%). EUROBAROMETER: TERRORISM OVERSHADOWS CLIMATE CHANGE CONCERN IN MALTA

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