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MT 6 December 2015

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42 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2015 42 Vassallo Group organizes autumn engagement seminar HEADS of department and su- pervisory staff from all the com- panies forming part of Vassallo Group have come together for the Autumn Engagement Semi- nar held at the Group's Training Development Centre in Qormi. The seminar was opened by the Group's C.E.O Pio Vassallo and was attended by some 100 employees that included the Group's Chairman Nazzareno Vassallo, directors, managers and other staff. The themes covered for the seminar were: the Psychology of Body Language where Psycholo- gist Patrick Psaila gave a detailed presentation on this subject and engaged thoroughly with the participants, with practical and useful examples; and Cost Con- trol in which Lawrence Zammit, Director of Misco spoke about the importance of cost control and cost reduction in the daily running of a business. These seminars are organ- ized on a yearly basis with the main aim of bringing together employees working in different sectors, forming part of all the group's companies and focus on important subjects that can help them enhance their professional and personal skills. Pefaco plc announce new shares, new investors THE Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) recently celebrated the announcement that Pefaco plc, an international company that was listed on the MSE in 2014, has issued new shares and at- tracted new investors to their business. This was possible through the active involve- ment and support of Calamatta Cuschieri as well as Ganado As- sociates. This event was attended by the Chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange Joseph Portelli, the Chairman and Chief executive of Pefaco plc, Francis Perez and the Oliver Cauro, the MSE CEO, Eileen Muscat and Gregory Kin- ross and David Shimkin, repre- senting the new investors. More information on this an- nouncement and be found on the relative company announce- ment through the Malta Stock Exchange website. Forestals seminar addresses new style of IT THE growth of digital data and its impact on a business was one of the topics discussed dur- ing an IT Seminar organised by Forestals in collaboration with HP. The seminar, entitled "The new style of IT. Embrace IT", was addressed by leading experts presenting the latest industry trends and solutions designed to empower companies to harness data in a cost effective way. HP delegates touched on vari- ous other topics, such as Cloud, Big Data, Storage and Servers and Managed Print Services. Dejan Stanic, CEE Cloud Solu- tion Architect at HP, outlined the various benefits of imple- menting HP Helion CloudSys- tem. "HP Helion is amazing," he contended, "it enables you to deploy an open, agile, secure hybrid cloud that integrates pri- vate cloud services with public cloud, allowing you to select the right environment for each ap- plication Another speaker at the Semi- nar was John Horman, Chief Field Technologist at HP, who introduced HP Haven, the in- dustry's first comprehensive, scalable, open, and secure plat- form for big data. "It addresses 100 percent of data," said Hor- man, "transforms that data into knowledge, and delivers that knowledge at the right time and place to all those in the organi- zation who need it. "Big data analytics—tools and processes created specifically to turn big data and analytics into business insight—allow business leaders to develop a conversational relationship with data. It's an approach where answers suggest better questions and refinement leads to insight." concluded Horman. Natasa Kelsin, PPS Printing Sales Specialist at HP, present- ed cases studies where a saving of 30% in printing costs was achieved after a detailed print discovery and shift to a Man- aged Print Services environ- ment. "Managed Print Services pro- vides managed services, soft- ware and supplies for imaging and printing-related devices— with f lexible procurement, tran- sition and management options for office, production and com- mercial print environments," said Kelsin. The conference was very well attended and included repre- sentatives from banks, Insurance firms, engineering companies, Government CIO's, accountancy firms and gaming companies. At the end of the seminar, Gordon Dimech, Chief Opera- tions Officer at Forestals, spoke about "Assess IT", the recently launched service which provides an overview of a company's ex- isting IT systems, technology and support infrastructure. "The primary goal and benefit of AssessIT is to reduce both cost and complexity through an open and objective assessment of a business' IT environment as well as supporting services," concluded Dimech. More information about the new Assess IT service can be obtained from Forestals - FGL Information Technology on 23436000 or via email on sales@ Vassallo Group employees at their Autumn Engagement Seminar Toasting the issue of new Pefaco shares Bank, insurance and engineering representatives at the Forestals seminar on IT

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