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MT 6 December 2015

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28 28 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2015 MaltaToday Bookshop MaltaToday Bookshop MaltaToday Bookshop MaltaToday Bookshop MaltaToday Bookshop A Maltese Marriage is a novel written by Inga Boissevain, the book LVDKLVWRULFDOÀFWLRQEDVHGRQWKH Boissevain's real life experiences in Malta. 115pgs €8.99 Ebba von Fersen, a synopsis DQGDSSUHFLDWLRQRIDUWRIWKHODWH German-Maltese artist in this SURIXVHO\LOOXVWUDWHGDUWERRNZULWWHQ DQGHGLWHGE\6DYLRXU%DO]DQ 256 pgs €50 New price: €40 ġDPVLQ, a CD with Maltese music by folk singer Walter 0LFDOOHI IULHQGV €10 New price: €7 Bird postcards, a set RIELUGSRVWFDUGVRI PLJUDWRU\DQGUHVLGHQW ELUGVRI0DOWD €3 New price: €2 Saying it as it isLVWKHÀUVWYROXPH RIMRXUQDOLVWLFZULWLQJVE\6DYLRXU %DO]DQFRYHULQJWKHSHULRGXQWLO ,WFRYHUVWKHURRWVRI%DO]DQҋVUDGLFDO youth, his role in setting up the greens DQGKLVZRUNLQVWDUWLQJXSDQXPEHU RIQHZVSDSHUVLQFOXGLQJ0DOWD7RGD\ 224pgs €30 New price: €20 Il-Manifest tal-killer, is a novel in 0DOWHVHE\MRXUQDOLVWDQGZULWHU.DUO 6FKHPEULDERXWDQDQRQ\PRXV DFWLYLVWWDNLQJRYHUWKHDLUZDYHVDQG VRFLDOPHGLDRQWKHLVODQGRI0DOWD instigating revolution. A circus tiger is let loose after he calls for the release of circus animals in protest against animal cruelty. 223pgs €10 New price: €8 *RXUPHW7RGD\ is a collector's GUHDPERRNRIWKHEHVW UHFLSHVE\OHDGLQJ0DOWHVHFKHIV DQGKRPHFRRNVSXEOLVKHGLQWKH IRRGPDJD]LQH*RXUPHW7RGD\,W LVSURIXVHO\LOOXVWUDWHGZLWKFOHDU LQVWUXFWLRQVIRUSUHSDULQJWKH recipes. 227pgs €24.99 New price: €20 Treat yourself with a book this Christmas € $0DOWHVHPDUULDJH € *RXUPHW7RGD\ €20 Saying it as it is €7 Il-Manifest tal-Killer €40 Ebba von Fersen Balzan € ,OġDPVLQ €2 Postcards 1DPH 6XUQDPH Address: (PDLO 7HOHSKRQH MediaToday, MaltaToday bookshop, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann All items can be collected at the MediaToday oces, to have the items delivered please add €5. ,DPHQFORVLQJDFKHTXHWREX\WKHIROORZLQJFRSLHV

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