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MT 22 May 2016

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 22 MAY 2016 37 What has the Masters' in Fine Arts taught you, and how has it shifted your perspective? Shift towards digital media – video art and performance art. Concept-wise my way of art making became more struc- tured, I definitely learned a lot about conducting art research. Thus my process became more organised, research based and explorative. In a way art mak- ing has integrated itself more into my life, and simultaneously it gets the inspiration from the events and encounters that I ex- perienced. At the moment I am exploring concepts which appear out of long term, previously un- acknowledged interests and ob- sessions. It's also linked with the process of self discovery. Are there particular aspects of the contemporary art field that inspire you to create, or that you would like to react to in any way? Installation, Interactive art, Video art, Performance art. Since I started the MFA I be- came more interested in inter- disciplinary art making. I've been doing it unintentionally in the past – linking art with philoso- phy. Now my research is going into the direction of combining contemporary art with aspects of geology, archaeology, anthropol- ogy and other disciplines. How are you tackling the con- cept of time in this particular exhibition, and what led you to choose this path in particular? Exploring the limits of now, hence the name of my project – 'Now no longer – Now not yet', it comes from Heidegger's 'Being in Time', but what I am mostly interested in is the hy- phen in the middle. The limits of now, the fluidity of it, the du- ration of the Now, when does it become the past? Having background in philos- ophy, I've always been drawn to metaphysics and logical para- doxes. Until now a few of my works covered the topic of time –exploring the causal relations in past timelines, mainly what happens in the future if we could change one single variable in the past. For this project, I wanted to shift towards the moment of 'Now' and how can we extend our presence in it, in order for it not to slip into the past and not to raise the anticipation for the future time. Also I explored the human time compared to deep time – or geo- logical time of the planet events, as the objective time of the plan- et and our subjective time run si- multaneously but with their own velocity. I was also interested in the practical part of the experi- ence of time: how can we experi- ence the present moment to the fullest? Which led me to the idea of conducting several experi- ments which involved potential danger, physical endurance and extreme discomfort. What do you make of the lo- cal arts scene? What would you change about it? To me local art scene definitely needs to bridge the gap between the general public and the art- ists. I think art making shouldn't be something elitist, but speak to everyone regardless of education or background. Nonetheless one needs to expose the general pub- lic to the new exciting contem- porary ways of art making, which often use contemporary tools and technology already present in our everyday lives and is not limited to representational art on canvas centered around the religious themes. Also, I believe that there is no need to wait un- til the public is ready: maximum exposure to contemporary art will lead to the art scene less dis- tant from the viewer, more ac- cepting and more vibrant. What's next for you? Next is definitely keep explor- ing performance art and video art, conducting multidisciplinary research and also expanding my art practice by going to several art residency programs. This Week NOTICE Planning Board meetings: Due to refurbishment works, as of Thursday 26th May 2016, these meetings will temporarily move to Project House (Works and Infrastructure Department), Triq Francesco Buonamici, Floriana. Executive Council meetings: Due to refurbishment works, as of Monday 06th June 2016, these meetings will temporarily move to the Planning Authority Offices at St.Francis Ditch in Floriana (further down from the Authority's Main Offices). Planning Commission meetings: As of Monday 30th May 2016, these meetings will no longer take place at Hexagon House in Marsa Wharf, but will move to the Planning Authority Offices at St.Francis Ditch in Floriana (further down from the Authority's Main Offices). PLANNING AUTHORITY PLANNING BOARD, EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSIONS MEETING IN PUBLIC The Planning Authority advises the public and all interested parties that the meetings of the Planning Board, Executive Council and Planning Commissions which are held in public will change accordingly: planning notice.indd 1 19/05/2016 13:07:27 'Now no longer – now not yet' Over the next few weeks, we will be speaking to participants of the MFA in Digital Arts, as they launch their annual exhibition, this time entitled SixFiveSix and taking place at Spazju Kreattiv (St James Cavalier) in Valletta until June 6. This week, we spoke to Evgletta Shtohryn about her philosophical contribution to the collective showcase Evgletta Shtohryn FAA presents an evening of 'notions, nostalgia and nonsense' FLIMKIEN għal Ambjent Aħjar presents an event on fun, frivol- ity and hearty laughs. Cleverly witty and light hearted, Notions, Nostalgia and Nonsense shines a light on the colourful flavour of our islands through costume, poetry and music at the Sale- sians Theatre, Sliema on June 4 at 20:00. Written exclusively for FAA by Nicholas de Piro, this event will feature many of Malta's creative talent on the stage of the Sale- sian Theatre. Providing many laughs, this event will include Edward Mercieca, Marylou Coppini, Paul Xuereb, Margaret Agius and Vicki Ann Cremona. With the participation of pia- nists Erika Gialanze and Gisele Grima, this evening is one not to be missed. The event is open to FAA members and the general pub- lic. More information on mem- berships: how-to-help/become-a-member. Entrance is at €15 for Non- Members; €12 for FAA Members. Free parking will be available at St Patrick's, opposite the venue. Bookings:

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