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MT 22 May 2016

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 22 MAY 2016 40 This Week Freddie Portelli launches new fund-raising CD TENDER for Demolition / Excavation Works and Carting Away of Demolished Materials Using Environmentally Friendly Methods and Materials Within Various Housing Estates in Malta (Ref. CT2091/2016). A clariication meeting will be held on Friday 27th May 2016 at 10:00hrs at Centru Access 72 Melita Street Valletta. Tenderers wishing to attend for the clariic clariication meeting are to book a place by writing to by Wednesday 25th May 2016 at 9:00am, stating the number of persons attending for the meeting. Offers close on 16th June 2016 at 09:30hrs. The E-Tender document is available for viewing/downloading and to be submitted only through the e-tenders website on Clariications shall be uploaded and will be available to view/download from HOUSING PROJECT MANAGMENT UNIT Tender for Excavation works MALTA'S rock-and-roll na- tional treasure Freddie Portelli has written and recorded a va- riety of new songs in his studio earlier this year, and the compi- lation will be released in a new CD named 'Inkanta bil-Malti'. Composed and written by Fred- die Portelli himself, this will be his 20th release. The repertiore of music offered by Portelli will reach a striking 414 songs, spread out in a career spanning 53 years. As part of Portelli's philanth- ropic contributions to Maltese society, proceeds from the sale of the CDs will be in aid of Inspire Malta. The CD was officially launched yesterday during a con- cert which was held at Inspire Fest by Nutella at the Mdina Ditch. In his CD, Portelli presents his audience with a vast array of themes revolving around Maltese society while also experiment- ing with diverse musical genres. The first track that introduces the album, is the title track en- titled 'Inkanta bil-Malti.' This is a song that places in the fore- front Portelli's love towards the Maltese mother language. As we head closer to Summer time, this season is reminiscent of Por- telli's love for Waterpolo and the typical Maltese summer, both of which are brought back to life with 'Tini s-Sajf' and 'Il-Vapuri Tagħna.' In 'B'idejk f'idejja', the lover expresses his feelings when in company of his partner. 'Dak il- Ħin' reminds us of the seasons, with particular focus on Spring, a period of time that is best de- scribed in 'Ir-Rebbiegħa', a song reflective of all the colours and scents that this time of the year brings with it. 'Wara l-Maltemp' is a song about courage while the rainbow after the storm becomes a symbol of a tranquillity that reigns supreme. 'Wasal il- Praċett' is dedicated to all young children who await ea- gerly the day they will recieve Holy Communion for the first time. The ninth song 'Mill- Ġenna għall-Infern' stands as a lesson to those who are stubborn in character. In line with Portelli's cherished ge- neres in music, one finds the romantic song entitled 'Din Qalbi'. 'Bla Delizzju' is dedicated to the ever more alienated individuals who are so busy doing other things, that they do not seem to find time for themselves. In the track 'Jien u Int', the ma- jor protagonists are the two lov- ers who stand out as an example for those who hold friendship at heart before everything else. 'F'ta' Ruħi d-Dar' is a heartbreak- ing song dedicated to those who have sufferred the loss of a loved one and who continue living with the memories of people they can- not be with anymore. The penultimate song 'Malta Bħalek M'hawn Imkien' is dedi- cated to our island and to the work force that have helped strengthen Malta's reputation throughout the years. It is a song that brings forth the idea that no matter how many times the Mal- tese leave the island for holidays and travels, he will eventually re- turn to his homeland. The CD ends with 'Bniet u Sub- ien', a song that revisits a past in which boys and girls shared the same classrooms. Separated for almost 65 years, co-education is now back for good. Reciprocal Records are respon- sible for the printing and manu- facturing of the new album while also assisting Freddie Portelli in releasing the CD in aid of Inspire Malta. Following the official launch, the CD will be made available at D'Amato Record Shop in Vallet- ta and the Inspire Malta offices. The CD can also be pre-ordered online from the Reciprocal Ser- vices website. For more information please visit www.reciprocalrecordsser- or send an email on sales@reciprocal- The event continues today. For more information about the festi- val please visit the Facebook page 'Inspire Fest by Nutella' In his CD, Portelli presents his audience with a vast array of themes revolving around Maltese society

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