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MT 12 April 2015

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Events 27 maltatoday, Sunday, 12 april 2015 PKF publish the 2015 Worldwide Tax Update PKF have recently published the 2015 Worldwide Tax Up- date publication, which high- lights notable tax changes and amendments around the world, as well as provides fur- ther insight in the PKF com- mentary. As customary, PKF members are happy to assist readers with any further in- formation or advice that may be required. In the latest issue, PKF looks at the intellectual property 'boxes', which fol- low existing patent box re- gimes, and provide preferen- tial tax rates. These are often regarded as advantageous in attracting direct investment into a country from overseas research and development organisations. Permanent establishment's (PE's) also feature in this update considering changes, guidance with calculating a PE's income, expenses and the crea- tion of a service. A topical subject currently is transfer pricing, especially with the additional information require- ments proposed by the OECD in its Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). Other no- table inclusions in this publication include issues as inheritance tax, withholding tax changes, changes in the thin capitalization rules and commentary on the United States Tax Increase Prevention Act (2014). A soft copy of the 2015 PKF World- wide Tax Update can be obtained by contacting Anna Golis at agolis@ Harley-Davidson is continuing its monumental ride, with the Dark Custom motorcycle designed for young urban riders around the world. The Street 750 motorcycle from Harley-Davidson – the first all- new platform from Harley-David- son in 16 years – is built for urban environments with all-new liquid- cooled Revolution X powertrains, nimble agility and the sound and look that lets everyone know they are genuine Harley-Davidson. "This is the newest motorcycle to join our Dark Custom line-up, which helped make us the number- one selling brand to young adults in the U.S. for the past five years," said Matt Levatich, the new CEO and previously President and Chief Operating Officer, Harley-David- son Motor Company. "The Street 750 was designed with thousands of hours of input from young adults in cities around the world. This input guided both the attitude and capabilities of this motorcycle. This is proof that be- ing customer-led continues to be a core driver of our revamped prod- uct development process." The Street 750 from Harley- Davidson is built for an urban environment. Each motorcycle features the new, Revolution X engine, designed to match the de- mands of stop-and-go traffic with nimble agility, while delivering in- stant throttle response to escape city gridlock. The Revolution X engine will be housed in a new, narrow and lean chassis built for agility, with a su- per low seat height, new suspen- sion and broad handlebar sweep that provides confidence and maneuverability when managing tight turns and fast moves. This signature Dark Custom motorcy- cle features a premium, minimal- ist style that serves as a blank can- vas for riders to customize. "This new bike is leaner, yet still has a mean streak with a steel body and tank." said Mark-Hans Richer, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Harley-David- son Motor Company. "It's designed to handle the abuses of urban en- vironments and provide authentic opportunities to customize." Fapi Motors Ltd. is the official au- thorised dealer for Harley-David- son in Malta, for more information about the Street 750 visit www.h- or call on 2339 3102. The Malta Chapter of ISACA, a nonprofit, independent member- ship association that helps busi- ness and IT leaders maximize value and manage risk related to information technology has regis- tered an office and started holding its board meetings and seminars at SmartCity Malta. ISACA (www. is a leading global pro- vider of knowledge, certifications, community, advocacy and educa- tion on information systems (IS) assurance and security, enterprise governance and management of IT, and IT-related risk and compli- ance. Speaking about the move of the Malta Chapter to SmartCity Mal- ta, Gian Carlo Millo, ISACA Malta Chapter President, said that "The Chapter's move to SmartCity Malta in 2014 has signified the start of a new era for our fast-growing asso- ciation. ISACA's constituents hold various professional IT-related positions and therefore the move was really a natural one. SmartC- ity Malta is being developed into a state-of-the-art information technology business park, and the Chapter is proud to form part of this exciting project. "Apart from its monthly board meetings, the Chapter also holds educational events at SmartCity Malta on a monthly basis, which are very well attended. I would like to thank SmartCity Malta for strongly supporting the Chapter and its members." ISACA's membership, which ex- ceeds 120,000 worldwide, covers a variety of professional IT-related positions such as IS auditor, con- sultant, educator, IS security pro- fessional, regulator, chief informa- tion officer and internal auditor. Members work in nearly all indus- try categories, including financial and banking, public accounting, government and the public sector, utilities and manufacturing. This diversity enables members to learn from each other, and exchange widely divergent viewpoints on a variety of professional topics. Another of ISACA's strengths is its chapter network. ISACA has more than 200 chapters established in over 82 countries worldwide, and those chapters provide mem- bers education, resource sharing, advocacy, professional networking and a host of other benefits on a lo- cal level. The ISACA Malta Chapter (www. is a voluntary or- ganisation which was officially formed in 2005 and has over 170 members, the majority of whom have earned one or more of ISACA's certifications. Educational events are organized on a monthly basis and cover a range of IT-related topics including IT risk, govern- ance, assurance and information security. The Malta Chapter also organizes an annual networking event as well as a biennial conference with the participation of internationally re- nowned speakers. Another primary objective of the Malta Chapter is to develop strong relationships with the business, regulatory and aca- demic communities in Malta. Harley-Davidson pursues new horizons with Street 750 model ISACA Malta Chapter registers an office at SmartCity Malta Joseph 'JB' Brockdorff, founder and Chairman of BPC International Ltd, passed away yesterday 7th April at the age of 77 after a sudden and unexpected illness. His interest in the media started when he was in his late teens when he took part in radio broadcasts on Rediffusion. He was instrumental in pioneering professional market- ing communications in Malta set- ting up BPC in the late 1950s at a time when advertising was very much in its infancy. He fostered local broadcasting and performing talent. A ground- breaking initiative was the pro- duction and marketing of the first series of 45rpm recordings of lyrics and music by Maltese composers in the 60s. JB was the founder of the Malta Chapter of the International Ad- vertising Association, the interna- tional tri-partite body including advertisers, advertising agencies and media companies. He foresaw the usefulness of a broad-based and non-partisan journalistic media organisation, and was instrumental in the setting up of the Institute of Maltese Jour- nalists, which for years has fulfilled a unique and useful role in foster- ing a responsible, professional and self-regulated free press in Malta. Through his support, the Insti- tute developed a more compre- hensive framework for responsible journalism to f lourish in Malta through such initiatives as the es- tablishment of a Code of Ethics for Journalists in Malta and the setting up of a Press Ethics Commission. He was instrumental in initiating the annual and prestigious 'Award to Journalists' initiative, now the main highlight of the journalistic calendar in Malta. JB was until recently on the board of the Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti. Since the 1990s, he played an active role in formulating the Foundation strategies and policies to spread awareness of the islands' cultural heritage. Communications industry pioneer passes away Joseph Brockdorff, communications industry pioneer

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