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MT 12 April 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 12 APRIL 2015 5 Contact Numbers: (+356) 2339 2299 | 7903 2890 Website: Email: Address: Coldwell Banker Paramount Realty, Pitkali Road, Attard, ATD 2214, Malta. 6$13$:/7$77$5Ƥ$ 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms | €630,000 $QHZO\EXLOWGHVLJQHU¿QLVKHGVHPLGHWDFKHGYLOODVLWXDWHGLQD much sought after location. Layout comprises of an entrance hall, VLWWLQJURRPNLWFKHQOLYLQJGLQLQJJXHVWWRLOHWEDWKURRPWKUHH double bedrooms, swimming pool and a full basement garage. SLIEMA 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms | €850,000 /X[XULRXVO\¿QLVKHGVHDIURQWDSDUWPHQWRIIHULQJH[FHOOHQWVHDYLHZV 7KLVSURSHUW\FRPSULVHVRIDQRSHQSODQNLWFKHQOLYLQJGLQLQJDQGD spacious front terrace. Property is fully furnished and air-conditioned WKURXJKRXW3ULYDWHFDUVSDFHLQFOXGHG &ROGZHOO%DQNHU5HDO(VWDWH//&IXOO\VXSSRUWVWKHSULQFLSOHVRIWKH)DLU+RXVLQJ$FWDQGWKH(TXDO2SSRUWXQLWLHV$FW(DFK2ԀFHLV,QGHSHQGHQWO\2ZQHGDQG Operated. Coldwell Banker® and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. 0(//,(ƪ$ 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms | €860,000 $UHDG\WRPRYHLQWRVHPLGHWDFKHGYLOODRIIHULQJDEULJKWDQG ZHOFRPLQJRSHQSODQDFFRPPRGDWLRQRYHUORRNLQJWKHRXWVLGH entertainment area, swimming pool, side garden, country and sea YLHZV$OVRLQFOXGHVDJ\PDQGWKUHHFDUJDUDJH MADLIENA 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms | €1,330,000 /X[XULRXVO\¿QLVKHGVHPLGHWDFKHGYLOODORFDWHGLQDTXLHWDUHD Complementing this property is a home theatre, games room, large pool, entertainment area and interconnected basement garage. Viewing highly recommended.

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