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MT 12 April 2015

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XV maltatoday, Sunday, 12 april 2015 This Week Considering we're such a densely-populated country, it is hard to believe we still have a place like Kemmuna – that wild, windswept and virtually uninhabited island nicely nestled between Malta and Gozo. Almost all 280 hectares of it are garrigue (xaghri), a rocky habitat that at first may appear barren and treeless, but once you adjust your concept of 'vegetation' to include plants shorter than trees, you'll be surprised how diverse garrigue can be. It is a habitat rich in vegetation and insect life, especially in springtime. So tke a break and go for a half day's leisurely walk on Kemmuna. Treat yourself to orchids, vetches, clovers, spurges and aromatic shrubs. Expect to look down a lot, but do look at the sky for the random Marsh Harrier, or maybe a hovering Kestrel scanning the ground for lizards; you could easily flush a Hoopoe or two as you walk. BirdLife has a ringing station on Kemmuna (down the track from the old pigfarm), which is active at this time of year. I strongly suggest you stop by for a chat with the BirdLife ringers on duty, maybe watch a bird being ringed and released, a Pied Flycatcher or Wood Warbler or something more substantial, like Cuckoo or Scops Owl. Kemmuna never lacks in surprises. 449. KEMMUNA GrEEN IdEA OF THE wEEk 352: Get swishinG and Get free clothes - now spring is here, it's a great time to combine fun and fashion with a 'swishing' (or clothes swap) party with your friends. Get some fabulous, free clothes and accessories, without any damage to your bank balance - or the environment What will be the impact of TTip across the pond? We do have some idea of what is in TTip negotiating text thanks to the somewhat more open European process, and thanks to whistle- blowers who have revealed secret documents. The investment chapters in TTip show that firms would be able to sue governments for potentially billions in financial damages if environmental or public health regulations interfere with future profits. This would discourage positive government action like restricting oil and gas drilling, imposing pollution controls, limiting the use of fracking, or even stopping construction of the Keystone Xl pipeline. TTip would stymie congressional action to more effectively regulate chemicals associated with breast cancer, autism and infertility. More immediately, it could undermine effective toxic chemical regulation currently on the books in California and other states. TTip would also undercut GMO labelling initiatives in the uS. last January was the twentieth anniversary of naFTa. it is the primary reason labour, environmental and public health standards are so much lower here compared to Europe. TTip promises to harmonise down European standards to the level of the united States – post naFTa. if what you want in Europe is an accelerated flow of wealth from the 99% to the 1%, environmental deregulation, unsafe food on the kitchen table, the destruction of small-scale family farms, prohibitively costly medical care, big pharmaceutical corporations unfairly raising prices, and near total corporate control of government and your economy, then by all means work hard to ratify TTip. Visit Friends of the Earth's website for more information about our work, as well as for information about how to join us You can also support us by sending a blank SMS donation on 50618070 (€4.66) or 50619223 (€11.65). Text Victor Falzon Photo Aron Tanti ttIP: How would the secret deal affect the United States? Clean-up day at recently renovated Wignacourt Tower Last week the Eden Leisure Group organised a clean-up day of the newly renovated Wigna- court Tower in St Paul 's Bay. The Wignacourt Tower is the earliest coastal watch tower still standing in Malta, and was built by Grand Master Wignacourt in 1610. Under the supervision of cultural heritage NGO Din L-Art Helwa, who undertook the restoration of the 405-year- old Tower, a team of around 20 volunteers from the leisure company scoured both upstairs and downstairs, washed and dusted all the rooms. When that was done, the team sanded, varnished and polished various pieces of furniture and exhibits. In a few short hours, the place was transformed and was left al- most ready to be opened to the public – a job that would have taken the regular volunteers several weeks to complete. "We're very proud to have been able to take part in the final stages of the restoration of the Wignacourt Tower, which is a gem of a heritage destination that has such a rich and exciting history. It was also a wonder- ful opportunit y for our staff to work together in a different environment and also to learn more about our history. We look forward to working again soon with Din L-Art Helwa on their next project," Kate de Cesare from the Eden Leisure Group said.

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