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MT 12 April 2015

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XIV maltatoday, SUNDAY, 12 APRIL 2015 Our Planet In Motion was the theme of the art competition recently run by Citadel Insurance plc, in which the children of its policyholders were encouraged to send in their interpretation of the theme. Twelve pictures were chosen by a panel of artists for inclusion in a 2015 calendar, which was then offered to those donating towards the Service Dogs Malta Foundation. "We wanted to fundraise for this worthy cause, not just as Citadel Insurance, but as a whole organisation, including our clients and service provid- ers," Angela Tabone, Citadel 's managing director and CEO, said. "We would like to thank every- one who donated or helped with this project, allowing us to raise €8,600 towards this worthy cause. We would especially like to thank all the children who participated and whose artwork features in the calendar, with every entry we received reproduced on the calen- dar's front cover," she added. The money raised by Citadel Insurance will go towards train- ing service dog trainers for the Service Dogs Malta Foundation, and helping 'Bailey' become the Foundation's first service dog. "Currently it costs around €15,000 to have a service dog trained in the USA," Sara Grech, co-founder and chairperson of the Service Dogs Malta Founda- tion, said. "Such costs would not be sustainable in the long term, so we are raising funds to have Bailey trained, while also having three experienced local dog train- ers receive specialized instruc- tion to allow service dogs to be trained in Malta." This is important as service dogs do not cater for just the visually impaired. Those with mobilit y issues, psychiatric is- sues, as well as those suffering from conditions such as diabetes, or the hearing impaired can all benefit from having a service dog. "Our first dog, Bailey, who is now just over one year old, is ready to begin her service dog training. She will soon be leav- ing her volunteer puppy raiser, who looks after the puppies for the first year and helps them to socialise, as well as offering basic obedience training," Joseph Sta- frace, co-founder of the Service Dogs Malta Foundation, said. For those wishing to volunteer their time, or donate, The Service Dogs Malta Foundation can be reached on http://w w w.service- This Week Citadel Insurance Bailey campaign raised €8,600 Citadel is proud to announce that it raised €8,600 for the training of Bailey to become a service dog. Citadel would like to thank its CSR team, sta, customers, tied insurance intermediaries, sponsors and general public for their contribution towards this project in aid of the Service Dogs Malta Foundation. Citadel Insurance p.l.c. t Casa Borgo t 26 Market Street t Floriana FRN 1082 t Tel: 2557 9000 t Freephone 800 72322 t E-mail: Branches: Ħaż-Żebbuġ 21464873 t Il-Gżira 21332151 t Il-Mosta 21438880 t In-Naxxar 21419198 t Paola 21806247 t San Ġwann 27330044 t Iż-Żejtun 21807779 t Victoria, Gozo 21566660 Citadel Insurance p.l.c. is a company authorised to carry on general and long term business of insurance and is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority. Six painters exhibit at Malta Enterprise As part of its efforts to promote ev- er-closer links between culture and entrepreneurship, Malta Enterprise is hosting a painting exhibition in the foyer at its offices in Gwar- damangia. Six renowned Maltese artists are exhibiting a sample of their works in what promises to be the first of a series of exhibitions to be held at the offices of Malta Enterprise. In total, 26 paintings are on exhibition. The participating artists are Ken- neth Zammit Tabona, Anne Galea, Stephanie Borg, Andrew Micallef, Joseph Casapinta and David Schem- bri. The exhibition is open during office hours (08:00-17:00) from Monday to Friday and will remain open till the end of April. All paint- ings forming part of the exhibition are for sale. During the past few months Malta Enterprise has actively collaborated with stakeholders from the artistic and cultural sphere locally and internationally in order to promote and stimulate the creative indus- tries in Malta. Given its long history as a cultural melting pot, Malta is well positioned for the develop- ment of such industries. Creative industries have high added value and their role in economic wellbe- ing is increasingly being recognised worldwide. Research has shown that creative industries generate better jobs and attract a better-qualified and more creative workforce, at- tract other high-end industries and leave a positive impact on the overall industrial climate. Malta Enterprise is the Govern- ment of Malta's economic develop- ment agency. Citadel Insurance raises €8,600 to help train service dogs Angela Tabone, Managing Director/CEO of Citadel Insurance plc presenting the donation to Joseph Stafrace, Co-founder of the Service Dogs Malta Foundation

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