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MT 12 April 2015

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Events 29 maltatoday, Sunday, 12 april 2015 The Wilfred Gatt Charity Cup em- braces family values, charity, sport and friendship every year on the 19 March. This is the date of the de- mise of our much loved grandfather, father and founder of Vivian Corpo- ration – Wilfred Gatt. The event is based around a 5-a- side football tournament played be- tween various divisions within the organisation and also a guest team composed of partners, relatives of employees. This year's edition was won by the Healthcare Division beating their old rivals from the FMCG Division. The healthcare team are shown in the picture receiving the Wilfred Gatt Football Charity Cup. Donations were collected from employees at Vivian Corporation, which will be given to Maya Uni- verse Academy (MUA) in Nepal, South Asia. MUA is the only free private school that provides free education to chil- dren in rural Nepal, in exchange for time. €500 was collected and will be contributed to investing in setting up sustainable businesses for this worthy, social entrepreneurship project. More information about MUA can be found at www.maya- Families and friends of Vivian Corporation gathered for an enjoy- able day out in the sun; an annual event employees at Vivian look for- ward to. Middlesea Insurance and Funda- cion MAPFRE are once again pro- moting road safety to school chil- dren through the successful "Street Smart Campaign" which was launched last year to pupils aged 11 to 13 years. The Road Safety Educa- tion Campaign will this year reach more than 4,000 student, this time in Form 3 and 4 from a number of schools across Malta and Gozo. Road safety education will once again be delivered to students in a fun way through a series of comical sketches, all thematically related to road safety by animation group, Generation Green, who have be- come renowned for their campaigns which also include the Health & Living campaign Caqlaq. The sketches are centred on safety whilst driving cars and motorised bikes. The scripts get students to learn and understand the impor- tance of crucial road signs, and wearing of proper safety clothing, amongst other things. The sketches include a lot of audience participa- tion, who are asked to point out road safety mistakes. Students are also given a reading book related to roadside education. At this age, young people already participate in road life as passen- gers, pedestrians and at times cy- clists. This campaign will tackle issues that are the most pertinent to the younger target age group. This is not the first time Middle- sea Insurance and Fundacion MAP- FRE have collaborated on a Road Safety Campaign, having already launched nation-wide campaigns since 2013. "Road Safety is an important con- cern for Middlesea Insurance. We want people to be safe while on the road. Statistics show that in 2014, 1,796 people were injured in traffic accidents, with fatalities amounting to 10. Out of these 73.8 per cent of casualties were caused by passenger cars and 15.5 per cent by motor- cycles. Educating young people on the rules of road safety has to be something continuous as this is the only way to avoid fatalities," said Mr Alfredo Munoz, President and CEO of Middlesea Insurance p.l.c. "We believe that educating the younger generation (and tomorrow's drivers) and making them aware of their re- sponsibilities to others whilst on the road will also enable us to spread the message to the entire family. Ultimately, we believe that the suc- cess of this initiative boils down to the fact that youths are taught in an interactive and fun learning envi- ronment," he added. Middlesea Insurance p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to car- ry on both Long Term and General Business under the Insurance Busi- ness Act, 1998. For the third consecutive year The Point shopping mall in Sliema host- ed the annual Junior Achievement- Young Enterprise Malta (JA-YE Malta) HSBC Company Programme National Trade Fair on Saturday, 28 March, 2015. Thirteen JA-YE (Malta) companies formed by students attending eight different upper secondary institu- tions in Malta displayed their prod- ucts at the fair, which was open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Four teams displayed 'physical' products that included a student magazine, a recyclable lunch box, adhesive doodle boards, and large coffee cups. Two teams have both a product and an app, which complement each other: a water bottle with a com- partment for fruit together with an app that tracks individual water consumption; and an app providing Maltese natural remedies to daily ailments, accompanied by a starter pack of these natural medicines for common illnesses. Five other teams have focused on developing apps offering infor- mation on retail outlets in Sliema, personal budget management as- sistance, taxi price comparisons, restaurant vouchers through social media and, an educational app fo- cused on the environment. The remaining two teams have come up with, respectively, a plastic shredding machine and a game that asks questions about the environ- ment in order to advance. The Fair was well attended with many patrons commenting positive- ly on the students' energy, passion and product ingenuity. The students also had the opportunity to discuss their product and participation in the JA-YE Company Programme with the Minister for Education and Employment, Evarist Bartolo, who took the time to visit each stand paying attention to everything that the participants had to say. Bartolo commented that the JA-YE experience is an important element of a student's education path as it of- fers hands-on experience of what it means to run a business and engage with potential client. The HSBC Company Programme has been offered to Sixth-Form stu- dents in Malta and Gozo for the past 26 years, offering participants inval- uable experiential insights to how a company is set up and managed. Professional advice is also provided throughout the programme by men- tors with a varied range of entrepre- neurial expertise. Kim Pisani and Liam Caruana Montaldo, two participating stu- dents had the following to say about the programme, "It was an amaz- ing experience that encouraged our team to keep going and not give up. It is interesting to get feedback from potential customers and a great way to get exposure to the people". JA-YE Malta Foundation Desig- nate CEO Julian Azzopardi added "Seeing the students' energy and creative aptitude to develop prod- ucts and services that address lo- cally relevant needs at such a young age vindicates the work JA-YE Malta Foundation does; It denotes the pur- pose and need for our programmes, motivating us further to continue offering these opportunities that help develop our youth's entrepre- neurial potential to become tomor- row's business champions". JA-YE Malta Foundation, formerly known as Young Enterprise, was founded in 1988. HSBC Malta Foun- dation has been the main sponsor of the organisation for a number of years, giving youths the opportu- nity to understand what running a business is all about. The schools being represented this year are: De La Salle College, Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, Junior College, MCAST IBAC, St Aloy- sius College, St Edward's College, St Martin's College and Verdala Inter- national School. Vivian Corporation donates to Maya Universe Academy 13 Junior Achievement Young Enterprise Malta companies at National Trade Fair Middlesea Insurance and Fundacion MAPFRE renew commitment to Street Smart Campaign GSD Marketing Ltd employees get Caffe Mauro training Staff at GSD Marketing Ltd wel- comed Francesco Neri from Caffe Mauro for a short but intensive training programme on the art of making a perfect coffee the Italian way. Caffe Mauro is imported and distributed by GSD Marketing Ltd and is a speciality coffee served in bars and catering establishments. Neri is an authorised Special- ity Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) trainer and was brought specifically to Malta to deliver this training to staff in the Sales & Marketing Department as well as to the technical staff within the Services Department. The course, held at the GSD of- fices in Marsa, covered all the as- pects of coffee making, from the variety of coffee beans and differ- ent roasting methods available, to operating and maintaining profes- sional coffee machines. By the end of the course, participants were all able to make the perfect cup of Italian coffee and understand a coffee's body, acidity, bitterness and astringency. "There are six cardinal elements in making the perfect coffee," said Neri. "These are the blend, the machine, the grinder, main- tenance and the art of an experi- enced hand. Last but not least, it has to be Caffe Mauro." Following the course, all partici- pants underwent an examination and received an SCAE certificate. Education Minister Evarist Bartolo receiving a t-shirt from Junior Achievement-Young Enterprise Malta Designate CEO Julian Azzopardi. With them are JA-YE Malta Foundation Board members Anton Borg (on left) and Prof. Sandra M. Dingli (on right), CEO Lorna Farrugia, Assistant Programme Coordinator Thomas Naudi and Programme Coordinator Lara Gail Dougall. Winners of the Wilfred Gatt Football Charity Cup

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