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MT 15 November 2015

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FIMBank p.l.c. is a licensed credit institution regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and listed on the Malta Stock Exchange. The Bank is a participant in the Depositor Compensation Scheme in Malta. 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The survey showed widespread awareness among the Mal- tese population of the WHO survey, with 97% claiming that they had heard about the report. An international panel of experts convened by the World Health Organisation concluded that eating processed meat raises the risk of colon cancer and that consuming other red meats "probably" raises the risk as well. According to the report, 50g of processed meat a day – less than two slices of bacon – increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%. WHO has not asked people to stop eating processed meats but has recommended that people eat less of it to re- duce the risk of colorectal cancer. 17 16 US strikes IS in Libya mt survey 11 Non-fatal OD on prescription meds more common than with illlicit drugs 13 12 Prescribed abuse BANK of Valletta chief executive Charles Borg has applied for ear- ly retirement after withdrawing his application to be reconfirmed as CEO. His contract as CEO expires on 31 December this year. Bank sources told MaltaToday that Borg will get a tax-free, early retirement payment of €270,000, but he will be retained as a con- sultant with the bank for one year at a fee of €30,000. He will also continue to serve as director on three bank subsidiar- ies, with an additional annual re- muneration of €25,000. If Borg had opted to stay on, stepping down from CEO and returning to his former post of chief officer he would have still received a hefty salary of €90,000 plus any increases that would have been granted as a result of a new collective agreement. Borg, who was appointed CEO in 2011, joined the state-owned bank in 1981. In his previous ap- pointment of Chief Officer he was in charge of Financial Mar- kets & Investments. On his watch Bank of Valletta was fined by the Malta Finan- cial Services Authority (MFSA) the maximum under the appli- cable legislation of €203,150 for breaching licence conditions over the sale of the La Valette proper- ty fund to clients, which lost up to €80 million in investments. 'Services for ter- minal cancer pa- tients are in short supply. It will only get worse.' Elizabeth Chyrum Remembering the 2002 Eritrean pushback JURGEN BALZAN A day after reportedly killing "Jihadi John" in Syria, the Pentagon yesterday announced it had killed the top ISIS operative in Libya, Wisam al Zubaidi. The Pentagon announced Saturday that a U.S. air strike killed the leader of ISIS in Lib- ya Abu Nabil, aka Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi. The US Air Force has launched a series of air strikes against Islamic State posi- tions in Libya, marking the first American in- tervention against the Islamist group outside of Syria and Iraq. This is not the first time ISIS have been the target of air strikes in Libya but the latest at- tacks came hours after EU and African Un- ion leaders met in Malta to iron out a deal on migration. According to two senior US administra- tion officials the US targeted a top ISIS leader in an air strike on Friday. Among others, F-15 fighter jets targeted an Iraqi national who once led al Qaeda operations along the Fallujah-Ramadi corridor, from 2004 until 2010, the US news website The Daily Beast reported. The location of the attack is not yet clear but it is thought that the attack happened in Sirte, which is a mere 560km away from Malta. The Iraqi moved to eastern Libya to lead ISIS operations there, and while it is believed that the intended target was killed, the US military did not confirm whether he is dead. US air strikes on Islamic State strongholds in coastal cities of Derna and Sirte on Friday heighten tensions • Claims it killed IS leader PAGE 4 ISIS leader in Libya Abu Nabil

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