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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 MARCH 2016 32 This Week MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE MARCH 9 Owen's Jamboree Jazz night at Café Society, St John's Street, Valletta at 19:30. Featuring DJ Owen Jay spinning a handpicked sublime selection of Jazz originals, edits and mods from his personal vinyl collec- tion. MARCH 11 Italian Mix – Trash, Classics and More Night of Italian 'trash' music at Maori Bar, Valletta at 18:00. Featuring DJ Iole from Genova. Entrance is free. Donations to Moviment Graffitti are welcome – these will help us fund our ini- tiatives and campaigns. MARCH 11 Vive La France Party at Razzett L-Ahmar, Mo- sta at 22:00 to 'honour all things French and electronic'. I.You (CHIN∆), Clint (KNTRL), Ster- lino (Mathematikal ™). Entrance is free. MARCH 11, 12 Nadine Axisa – Velvet in Concert Jazz concert featuring Nadine Axisa with her band performing the album Velvet at Robert Sam- ut Hall, Floriana at 20:00. Tick- ets at €14 can be bought from 75, Triq San Bartolomew, Qormi (Tel: 2141 1388). MARCH 16, 17 AND 20 Orphee et Eurydice Production of the famous opera at the Manoel Theatre, Valletta at 20:00. Composed by Chris- toph Willibald Gluck based on the myth of Orpheus and set to a libretto by Ranieri de' Calzabigi it features leading local soloists and chorus with the Malta Phil- harmonic Orchestra conducted by Philip Walsh. Directed by Denise Mulholland. Bookings: b o ok i ng s @ t e at r u m a no el .com . mt, 2124 6389. MARCH 18, 19 Metal Over Malta Festival II Festival of local Maltese bands at Chateau Buskett, Buskett at 17:00. Featuring local and in- ternational acts: Septicf lesh (headliner), The Foreshadowing, Weeping Silence, MartYriuM, Apparition and Thurisaz. Tick- ets are at €30. Bookings: http:// MARCH 18 BILA EP launch Local indie band BILA will be launching their debut EP in Malta after launching it in Ven- ice last year. The launch gig will take place at The Funky Monkey Club, Manoel Island at 21:00. They will be supported by Sem- pliciment tat-Triq, Beesqueeze and Kingdoms Of Dusk. A comic related to the band by artist Samwel Sultana will also be re- leased on the night. Entrance is at €5, €7 with CD/tape. THEATRE TODAY AND MARCH 7-10; 12-15 The Two Gentlemen of Verona WhatsTheirNames Theatre production of William Shake- speare's romantic comedy at The Pub, Valletta at 20:00. Directed by Philip Leone-Ganado. Cast includes: Joe Azzopardi, Nathan Brimmer, Bettina Paris, Giulia Xuereb and Joseph Zammit. Tickets are at €15. Performances are limited to 20 seats per night. Bookings: whatstheirnames.the- and 7734 5207. TODAY AND MARCH 11-13 Mela Hawn Xi Manikomju? Alfred Buttigieg's original play will be performed at Spazju Kreattiv (St James Cavalier) on March 4, 5, 6 and 11, 12, 13 at 20:00. Tickets are at €15. Book- ings:, 2122 3200. The play is certified 18+ and is being supported by the Malta Arts Fund. EXHIBITIONS MARCH 9 Meet the Artist: Kerstin Arnemann Artist talk and meet-up at Sis- tina Wine & Co, Gzira at 18:00. Art and photography discus- sion with photographer Kerstin Arnemann will take place. UNTIL MARCH 13 Gabriel Buttigieg: Paintings Exhibition of paintings by Ga- briel Buttigieg at Heritage Malta, Valletta. UNTIL MARCH 13 Inhobbok (I Love You) Collective exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv (St James Cavalier), Val- letta. Featuring four emerging creatives, namely Luke Azzo- pardi (Malta), Umberto Butti- gieg (Malta), Demetra Kallitsi (Cyprus) and Maria Theuma (Malta). WHAT'S ON TODAY In Guardia Parade Historical re-enactment at Fort St Elmo, Valletta at 11:00. The re-enactment portrays the inspection of the fort and its garrison by the Grand Bailiff of the Order of the Knights of St. John in charge of military affairs. During the re-enactment, of the fort's garrison – some 55 re-enactors in all – are kitted-out in their uniforms to perform their military drill to demonstrate to the Grand Bailiff its state of readiness. Tickets are at €7 (adults) and €3 (children). Toi Toi Moves: Life with George Frideric H Dance performance for children by Moveo Dance Company, at the Manoel Theatre Studio Theatre, Valletta at 11:00 and 12:15. Entrance is at €6 for children and €7 for adults. Bookings: mt, 2124 6389. Lucy's Last at Trackage Scheme's Sacred Noise Indie music afternoon at Razzett L-Ahmar, Mosta at 17:00. Featuring Lucy's Last & I.YOU. Bookings: www. Passions and Mysteries In a choral programme intentionally conceived to be preformed during the Lent season, resident conductor Michael Laus leads the Malta Philarmonic Orchestra and a line-up of some of Malta's most recognised names in the classical music scene, at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta at 19:30. Bookings: http://www.mcc. BILA will be launching their debut EP on March 18 Nadine Axisa will be performing on March 11 • Photo by Joe P Smith Today: Lucy's Last

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