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MT 30 August 2015

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Newspaper post YOUR FIRST READ AND FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY www.mALTATODAY.COm.mT x Gozo bishop's lack of action about paedophile priest infuriates clergy JurGen Balzan A Gozitan priest who was de- frocked by the Vatican in 2013 has not yet been notified of his dis- missal by the Gozo bishop, Mario Grech. Grech's dithering has led to calls for his resignation, with a number of Gozitan priests reporting the bishop's misconduct to the Vati- can. MaltaToday is informed that in March 2013, the Vatican had up- held its original decision to de- frock Dominic Camilleri, who in 2003 was first investigated by the Maltese church over the sexual abuse of minors. However, the Gozo bishop has not executed Camilleri's dismissal and sources have told MaltaToday that this could be connected to the shamed priest's alleged threats to expose other cases of sexual abuse involving Gozitan priests. Sources said that while Grech had no qualms in taking discipli- nary action against other priests, he has failed to take any action against Camilleri, despite receiv- ing a papal decree ordering the priest's dismissal more than two and a half years ago. Camilleri had been accused of abusing a number of boys in Gozo, though details of the cases, be- lieved to have taken place over a number of years, are hazy since the case was never reported to the police. Although the 63-year-old had been banned from practising his clerical duties in public in 2005, this newspaper is informed that Camilleri still says mass in a pri- vate chapel. Archbishop Charles Scicluna served as the Vatican's chief pros- ecutor in abuse cases up to 2012 but the Maltese archdiocese told MaltaToday that questions on the case should be referred to the Gozitan curia. In a brief reaction, the Gozo bishop's curia said that it is "un- able to comment on individual cases for confiden- tiality reasons." €1.40 maltatoday SUNDAY • 30 August 2015 • issue 825 • published every wednesdAy And sundAy "That the 'business model has to change' is true for all airlines, not just Air Malta... KLAUS GOSSLER interviewed 15 14 Tigne Point residents to get shooting range PG6 Pressure mounts on Gozo bishop Mario Grech after failing to execute Vatican's order to defrock paedophile priest Human traffickers use Facebook pages to entice people seeking refuge in Europe 'Travel light', human traffickers advise refugees THouSAnDS of people seeking a better future risk their lives on a daily basis and while the Eu talks of breaking up human trafficking networks, asylum seekers, includ- ing children, are reaching Europe at great risk. MaltaToday has obtained infor- mation on the elusive smugglers, including phone numbers, photo- graphs and instructions on what asylum seekers should do to sur- vive at sea and how they can enter several European countries. Some smugglers go to great lengths in trying to reassure peo- ple seeking refuge in Europe that the voyages are safe and that entry is guaranteed. A Facebook page called Abu nour for Travel advises prospective sea travellers to carry a "medium sized bag of good quality which can be carried on your back." The page also provides a list of "essentials," such as two pairs of underwear and two sets of clothes, including one clean set "so you can wear it when you enter the cities." other essential items include a toothbrush and toothpaste, nail clippers, a comb, trainers, a torch, aspirin and other medicines to deal with seasickness, flu and in- fections. Abu nour's last bit of advice is that "the most important thing is keeping medium weight because you will be carrying it for long dis- tances." In a clear attempt to quell people's fears, other Facebook pages show videos of refugees, mostly Syrians successfully reaching Greece on dinghies while others even provide the coordinates of rescue ships. PAGE 6 Bishop Mario Grech with Archbishop Charles Scicluna PAGE 9 On Saturday three suspected smugglers were arrested in the Libyan town of Zuwara and paraded before the cameras holding up pictures of drowned children.

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