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Events 45 maltatoday, Sunday, 30 auguSt 2015 Staff suggestions pave the way at Banif Bank Banif Bank's staff suggestion scheme all ideas Matter (aiM) culminated in an awards cere- mony during the Bank's annual summer staff party. aiM is a platform through which team members can submit their ide- as towards the improvement of different key areas of the Bank's operations. an encouraging number of en- tries were put forward, address- ing improvements in quality of service, efficiency of processes, cost reduction, increase in rev- enue, better use of resources and employee wellbeing. Every quarter, the best suggestion is chosen and the employee is invited to present their idea to members of the Bank's Execu- tive Committee, whilst the Best Suggestion and Best Contribu- tor were given awards. "The benefits of this scheme are two-fold," said Simon Grech, Head of Corporate Services at Banif Bank. "Our employees get that extra motivation and sense of satisfaction at seeing their viable ideas implemented, whilst the Bank benefits from the insight that can only be obtained from the people who are actually doing the job day in day out." He added that "participation and feedback have been ex- tremely positive, so we're very pleased with this initiative and with the results it is reaping. a lot of suggestions have resulted in improvements behind the scenes that are in turn, passed on to our customers through more efficient processes and improved quality of service. "Our ethos has always been that 'simple ideas can make a big difference' – and indeed it was the case that clever sugges- tions came in different forms and from every level within the organisation. We look forward to another year of innovation and effectiveness." Mapfre Middlesea and MSV Life open new regional office in Luqa MapfrE Middlesea, has an- nounced the opening of a new regional Office in Luqa. The office is situated at Magri auto- care Building, Triq il-Kunsill ta' l-Ewropa. This regional Office is in line with the distribution strategy stipulated by the com- pany, to spread out the offices in order to better cater to the cli- ents' needs. The regional Office will pro- vide a complete range of insur- ance products and services, wherein a specialised team will assist clients with all their insur- ance, protection, savings, invest- ment and retirement needs. it also houses a motor claims sur- veying area in attendance. The office is open from Monday to friday from 8:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs. in august, the opening hours are from 8:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs. announcing the opening, as- sistant General Manager fernan- do Docampo said "We are proud to add a new regional Office to our network. Our company is going from strength to strength and i am very pleased that we are enhancing accessibility. We consider this office as yet an- other milestone in our continu- ous determination to pursue ex- cellence, something that we will surely continue to invest in in the near future." Mapfre Middlesea currently has two other regional offices situated in Birkirkara and flori- ana, as well as a network of inter- mediaries all around Malta and Gozo. Mapfre Middlesea is Malta's leading insurance company, listed in the Stock Exchange and with an operating history of over 30 years. it is also a member of global insurance group Mapfre. for further information visit our website or send an email to mapfre@mid- or call on 25694700. Mapfre Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta financial Services author- ity to carry on both Long Term and General Business under the insurance Business act, 1998. 'Electrifying Elmo' to bring street artists to Fort St Elmo CuLTuraL Events Brand Malta will be launching a cultural event aimed at bringing life and culture to fort St Elmo. The launch event entitled "Elec- trifying Elmo" will be held on the 5 September at fort St. Elmo from 8pm till midnight. for this first event, a number of Maltese and foreign street artists will be performing throughout the evening, livening up the place with fire dancing, acoustic sessions, magic shows and more. There will also be a spectacular light display on the bastion walls. Headlining the buskers is Tony roberts, a world-class street esca- pologist and member of the prestig- ious London Magic Circle, born in australia, raised in new Zealand. He has performed across the uK and australian street theatre and arts festival circuits with his street show, 'unchain your Dreams' and his solo close-up magic show, 'Card Magic'. airport impressions who need little introduction will be headlin- ing the musical entertainment, to- gether with indie band no Snow no alps, accordionist Brian Tonna and many more. The concept behind CEB Malta is to promote culture by hosting events in Malta and Gozo at loca- tions which are seen as "unpopular" or simply never get the exposure they deserve. Malta is an island with outstanding locations such as Chinese Garden of Serenity, Gnien l'Gharusa tal-Mosta, Hastings Gar- dens and many others... but sadly some of these places haven't even been heard of by many locals, let alone tourists. CEB Malta aims to put these places on the map by or- ganising a string of cultural events throughout the year. as well as boosting the popular- ity of the island's physical locations, CEB Malta intends to act as a plat- form for local and foreign street artists and performers. in various European cities, buskers and street performers provide constant and sought after entertainment in the capitals. CEB Malta would like to see more street performers on our island, offering them the "fame" they would get in places like Covent Garden in London, or La rambla in Barcelona. To ensure successfully planned and well executed cultural events for locals and tourists alike, CEB Malta has partnered with strong- hold companies: James Caterers will be entrusted for catering; Karl Borg Events for logistics and or- ganization, and Vegware to ensure zero waste and low environmental impact at all CEB events. Electrifying Elmo is a paid event for a nominal fee of €15 which will entitle patrons to entrance, 15 indi- vidual hot and cold food items and a welcome drink. a fully stocked bar will also be available on the night. Tickets can be purchased from further information about the event can be found on facebook page https:// THE HSBC Water programme – Catch the Drop team has been carrying out a number of activities during the last two scholastic years that dovetail perfectly with the ob- jectives of a World Water Week (WWW), held from 23-28 august in Stockholm. The global event brought together representatives from nGOs, cor- porates, local and national gov- ernment, academia and media, to discuss and debate the global chal- lenges in relation to water. Malta is high on the list of countries with acute water challenges. in March, HSBC Malta held its own World Water Week activities that involved thousands of stu- dents and dozens of local councils. The week long events included the launch of a new water saving project, Hippo, at the archbishop Seminary, a walkabout at the Marsa primary School, an art exhibition at the presidential palace, give away of water-themed gifts at the Malta in- ternational airport, and an expert workshop on water. HSBC Malta has worked with the government's summer school pro- gramme, Skola Sajf 2015, to raise awareness about water conserva- tion. a private summer school, St Joseph Summer Club also teamed up with the HSBC Water pro- gramme - Catch the Drop cam- paign, focussing its activities on wa- ter preservation. The culminating activity of the St Joseph Summer Club will be an evening of perform- ing arts at the pjazza Teatru rjal Valletta on 2 September in aid of Wateraid. Glenn Bugeja, HSBC Water pro- gramme coordinator said: "The HSBC Water programme – Catch the Drop is the largest ever cam- paign of its kind in Malta and aims to forge a blueprint for progress on sustainability of water as a resource. The programme has two theme songs 'Catch the Drop' and 'Water is Life' that were created in collabo- ration with an international team of musicians and seek to reinforce the water conservation message." The HSBC Water programme is a five year, uS$100m partnership with Earthwatch, Wateraid and WWf, three nongovernment organisa- tions that rank amongst the world's most respected environmental and sustainable development organisa- tions. The programme promotes sustainable water use through edu- cation and donations to specific wa- ter projects. The HSBC Water Programme – Catch the Drop continues to rally individuals and communities around water conservation HSBC Malta Water Programme complements World Water Week in Stockholm All Ideas Matter (AIM) – Banif Bank's staff suggestion scheme Tony Roberts, escapologist

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