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MT 30 August 2015

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Events 47 maltatoday, Sunday, 30 auguSt 2015 HSBC Malta staff help to shape a better society From caring for disadvantaged children to protecting the envi- ronment and preserving Malta's heritage, HSBC Malta staff con- tinue to demonstrate extraordi- nary commitment to improving the wellbeing of society at large. In Birżebbuġa, branch staff carried out cleaning works at The Enrichetta Centre, a family resource centre, while in Gozo more HSBC employees organised a cleanup on the hill facing Ta' Pinu Sanctuary, which is home to 14 statues representing the Via Crucis and is an attraction for both Maltese and tourists. Seven volunteers then cleaned the Fra Diegu Home's summer residence in Xemxija in order for the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart to move children there for the summer months. In Marsaxlokk, a team of vol- unteers successfully organised a dog walk in support of Island Sanctuary, which cares for aban- doned dogs. Also in Marsax- lokk, another 27 staff carried out yearly maintenance at Xrobb l-Għagin Nature Park. In Marsascala, staff from the five community support teams of HSBC sweated it out at Dar Frate Jacoba, a home for disad- vantaged children, and cleared out onsite rubble, pruned the gardens, and cooked traditional delicacies in the kitchen. This was followed by another batch of volunteers spending time at Dar Frate Jacoba and producing 50 cloth bags, which were later used to raise funds. Meanwhile, a donation of tins of preserves was made to the Sisters of Mother Theresa in Cospicua and another community support activity will soon follow there in- volving resident children. In a separate blood donation drive, HSBC volunteers donated a total of 15 blood bags to mark the 15th anniversary of the Bank in Malta. As 2015 is also the 150th anniversary year of the HSBC Group, the volunteer teams are aiming to collect 150 bags of blood by the end of the year. HSBC Malta Head of Corporate Sustainability Josef Camilleri said: "While society's expecta- tions of HSBC are constantly evolving in line with the diversi- fication of business and customer lifestyles, we strive to make long term social investments and form partnerships rather than simply making donations. HSBC takes pride in staff who contribute to the charities and causes that they feel passionate about." HSBC staff clearing rubble at the Dar Frate Jacoba in Marsascala Definitive(ly) Good Guide returns with 16th annual restaurant survey During the month of September diners can once again participate in Malta's largest annual restaurant survey, now in its 16th successful year. Out of over 2000 restaurants on the islands, the top rated 150 res- taurants will be included in the 2015 Guide to Restaurants in Malta & Gozo sponsored by HSBC. By logging on to www.restaurantsmal- during September ydiners will be able to rate all the restau- rants they have visited over the past 12 months and determine which 150 restaurants will be included in the Guide and on the website www. Diners are encouraged to vote and send in theirr funny and in- formative comments and be in with a chance to win one of three fantastic prizes: A weekend break at the fabulous Trabuxu Boutique Living, a lavish gourmet hamper worth €200 from Dical House, Fine Foods & Wellbeing, Mosta, a €100 voucher to spend in a Myoka Spa. Ten runners-up will receive a free copy of The Definitive(ly) Good Guide to Restaurants in Malta & Gozo 2016. Restaurants visited in the last 12 months can be rated on the quality of their Food, Service and Ambi- ence on a scale of 1-10. Voting on additional questions in the sur- vey will determine the Restaurant Awards presented at the Annual Gala Dinner in December, includ- ing best Maltese restaurant, best restaurant for business entertain- ment, best value for money restau- rant, most romantic restaurant, most child-friendly restaurant and the best restaurant restroom, as well as favourite wine lists together with any additional comments. So log onto www.restaurantsmalta. com to get voting and make your opinion count – your voice is im- portant to us! National Children's Choir in search of young singers The Malta National Children's Choir is recruiting the first group of singers to be part of the Choir in order to participate in various concerts and perform- ances planned for 2016. The Malta National Children's Choir harnesses the power and joy of music to unite Malta's di- verse communities and inspire social change. The Choir shall provide chil- dren with the opportunity to cul- tivate an appreciation for music and share their talents while de- livering a positive message. The young singers shall transcend social barriers in a celebration of shared humanity and love for music. The Choir aims to pro- mote cultural diversity through the quality of diverse music and performances inspired from dif- ferent cultures. The Choir will provide chil- dren with the opportunity to explore music and expand their musical skills to the highest level of their interest and abil- ity. Children in grades 3-12 enter the choir through an an- nual application process, which serves the purpose of choosing the best children taught by vari- ous schools and vocal coaches across the islands. Children and teenagers aged five to 15, citizens of the Repub- lic of Malta, are welcomed to apply for this amazing opportu- nity. Applications can be down- loaded from w w w.maltachild- and sent by email to info@maltachildrenschoir. com by Friday 12 September 2015. The audition process for the Choir is quick and simple; a conductor will listen for the singer's ability to match pitch, check any music reading skills, test for basic movement abili- ties and holding one's voice part against others. Particular emphasis is given to singing in tune, being able to hold one's part in harmony and singing with confidence. After the selection process throughout September, the se- lected artists will start their journey towards this December, where the Choir is expected to debut in an amazing Christmas concert to be held in Valletta. "Our goal is to inspire and en- rich young people through mu- sic while introduce them to new opportunities to have the privi- lege of watching these children grow in confidence and ability" stated Jonathan Pace, Director at NRGY Group, the managing authority of the Choir. One can also visit the offi- cial Facebook page, which is constantly being updated with preparations to the first audi- tions, to be held on Monday 14 September and Tuesday 15 Sep- tember at SmartCity Malta. Your first click of the daY

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