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MT 25 October 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2015 4 News Pre-Qualification Questionnaire The Government of Malta through Projects Malta Ltd is issuing a pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for the award of a public service concession for the design, manufacture, delivery, installation, operation, training, maintenance and periodic upgrading of an automated single dose-system and smart cabinets for Pharmaceutical, Medical Materials and Surgical Devices for E-Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) to Department of Health (Malta). Document can be downloaded from Projects Malta's website through the following link: Closing date: Friday 14 th December, 2015. Late submissions will NOT be accepted. REF: PML /05/2015 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 14 x 3.pdf 1 Thursday/October22/2015 2:5902PM Farrugia to reconvene parliament's environment committee on AUM THE chair of the parliament's envi- ronment committee has agreed to reconvene the committee to discuss the site selection for the American University of Malta. Backbencher Marlene Farrugia, who has vociferously spoken against the abuse of ODZ land, has informed Front Harsien ODZ that she will be setting a date for the meeting. The Front had written to Farrugia asking her to reconvene the commit- tee in view of the commitment made by MEPA chief executive officer Jo- hann Buttigieg. Buttigieg had promised the com- mittee he would present the sites considered for the location of the proposed development in an up- coming parliamentary environment committee meeting. "Despite the commitment taken by the MEPA CEO, no such meeting was held before the Prime Minister announced that the government had chosen two sites, one within develop- ment zones in Cottonera and a site in Zonqor which still includes 18,000 square metres of ODZ land, on land designated by the local plan as part of a national park," the Front said. Although the government has pub- lished a report that refers to all the sites considered by the MEPA CEO's office, the report has not been sub- mitted to the scrutiny of parliament and civil society as promised by the MEPA CEO. "We will continue to insist on transparency and scrutiny and the publication of all agreements signed with Sadeen Group. We also reiter- ate our opposition to the inclusion of ODZ land in Zonqor," the Front said. "The project still has to go through a lengthy planning process and en- vironmental studies. We will be de- manding full scrutiny of the project at every stage of this process." AFM rescues Portuguese diver in Dwejra THE Armed Forces of Malta were involved in the rescue of a diver, off the coast of Dwejra, Gozo, yesterday morning. Upon receiving the report, the Rescue Coordination Centre in Luqa deployed an Alouette III helicopter and a Search and Rescue (SAR) launch Melita II based in Gozo, to render assistance. The diver was spotted waving for help by the crew of Melita II after a search in the Dwejra area. The Portuguese man was given first aid by an AFM res- cue swimmer onboard Melita II and transferred to Mgarr harbour where an awaiting ambulance took the patient to Gozo general hospital. Mayor wants Falzon to visit civic centre, 'no planning abuses took place' MIRIAM DALLI SIGGIEWI mayor Karol Aquilina has invited the parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Falzon to per- sonally visit the locality's civic centre after accusing the council of planning abuses. The civic centre is currently at the heart of a dispute between the La- bour and Nationalist parties over property adjacent to the centre. The PN-led local council says it needs the government building, currently oc- cupied by the Labour club, to finalise the second phase of the adjacent civic centre that includes a night shelter for the elderly. The government however insists that the premises occupied by the La- bour club had been agreed to by the previous administration. "The encroachment remained iden- tical to the one granted to Labour by the previous administration, and in- deed we've increased their rent," Fal- zon said in parliament on Friday. Falzon added that the council had been warned by MEPA for building and altering rooms without the nec- essary permits, and it had illegally installed electricity meters that had been removed by Enemalta. Aquilina insisted works carried out at the civic centre were in compliance with MEPA permits. He extended a public invitation for Falzon to personally visit the build- ing "and to witness the benefits it is offering to the residents and organi- sations". The mayor said that the second phase of the project would include a night shelter, a resources centre and a public library. "We urge the parliamentary secre- tary to ensure that the property re- turns to the Siggiewi council which was abusively handed to the Labour Party. This belongs to the Siggiewi residents by right," Aquilina said, ac- cusing Falzon of making "false allega- tions" in parliament. The Siggiewi civic centre, before and after Artist's impression of the AUM at Zonqor Point

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