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MT 25 October 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2015 24 I believe it was Idi Amin who once said: "politics is like boxing – you try to knock your opponents down". Looking back on his own career as President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979, I'd shudder to think what he would have actually been like in the ring. If even half the myths concerning the brutality of his regime are true, I reckon not even Mike Tyson would have stood a chance as opposition leader. All the same, Amin's analogy remains pretty accurate: not just for politics in his own part of the world, but across the full spectrum of available political systems, from the bloodiest dictatorship to the most advanced democracy. Almost everywhere you look in the world today, what passes for 'political debate' is increasingly beginning to resemble the climactic final round between Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed, from the movie that is too famous to even name. Take, for instance, the classic 'parry, thrust, parry' exchange in Malta's House of Parliament this week, as Government and Opposition traded endless blows over (everything but the) Budget. You could almost feel the saliva hitting your face, as each gloved fist made contact with a shuddering cheek, and the mouth guard-came f lying out in spectacular slow motion... Even more uncannily, it reminded me of the original black and white Batman series on TVM in the 1960s. Remember? In that series, each punch (and there were many, MANY punches thrown) always came accompanied by a 'BIFF! or a 'BAM!' or a KAPOW!', written in large fonts on the screen. I remember being mystified by this as a child. I mean, even the deaf can see that a punch has been thrown, without the aid of any subtitles. And if you're blind… well, you wouldn't be able to read them anyway. Perhaps they were intended for the benefit of the very, very stupid… but then, if they're that stupid, there's a fair chance they might be illiterate… Honestly. Looking back, I can't understand how I enjoyed my childhood so much… seeing as how I was very clearly neurotic. But anyway. Even if perfectly useless, Batman's 'Biffs' and 'Bams' proved to be the sort of visual prop that remains firmly embedded in our collective memory… even among those who never actually watched the show. For like all other enduring pop-culture icons, they have since given birth to an online meme. You will surely have it seen a million times: the one where Robin gets endlessly whacked across the face, in mid-question, by his psychopathic chiropteran mentor: "Wasn't it Idi Amin who said..?" BIFF! "It was Gaddafi, you idiot!" In the remote event that you still have no idea what I'm talking about… well, there is now an even an instant meme- generator which you allows you to change the speech bubble to suit any occasion. So hang on… just give me a sec while I use it to produce a summary of both party leaders' speeches in Parliament this week…. Opinion Raphael Vassallo Holy Budget, Batman! Do The Right Mix EuropeanMobilityWeekMalta The Public is invited to participate in the activities taking place as part of the 2015 'DO THE RIGHT MIX' Campaign: - Between the 26th and 30th October, Bormla Local Council will be offering free electric taxi services from all parts of Bormla to the city centre. - /NTH/CTOBER'èARB,OCAL#OUNCIL'OZO is hosting a workshop on cycling safety and other activities at the main square which shall be pedestrianised for the day. - /NST/CTOBER'èAQDA-UêIKALI-ADONNATALëILJU will be hosting a workshop on cycling safety, a rodeo for children, an Electric 6EHICLES%XHIBITIONANDOTHERACTIVITIESATTHE-QABBAMAINSQUAREWHICHWILLBECLOSEDFORTRAFlCFORTHEDAY - On 1st November, Birgu Local Council SHALLHOSTSEVERALACTIVITIESATTHECITYCOREWHICHWILLBEENTIRELYCLOSEDFORTRAFlCONTHEday. Activities include walking tours and electric vehicle tours around Birgu's historical centre, electric cars and antique bicycles exhibitions, dghajsa tal-pass transport from Birgu to Valletta and Isla will be offered on discounted prices on the day. More Information may be obtained from the European Mobility Week Malta Facebook page. #REDITGOESTOTHE,OCAL#OUNCILSOF"IRGU"ORMLAAND'ìARBAND THE'ìAQDA-ADONNATALçILJU-QABBA FORTHEIRCOLLABORATION Malta National Electromobility Platform with the collaboration of Almost everywhere you look in the world today, what passes for 'political debate' is increasingly beginning to resemble the climactic final round between Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed... Take, for instance, the classic 'parry, thrust, parry' exchange in Malta's House of Parliament this week

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