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MT 25 October 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2015 36 This Week TVM 06:00 News Loop 07:20 Fashion-Documentary 07:30 Qalb in-nies 08:00 Paq Paq on Test 08:15 Madwarna 08:45 Hadt l-Ahbar 10:00 Versi 10:30 Malta u lil hinn minnha 12:00 News 12:10 Hadd Ghalik 15:00 Hbieb u Ghedewwa 16:00 News 16:05 Hbieb u Ghedewwa 18:00 News 18:15 Ghawdex Illum 18:45 Ninvestigaw x 'qed nieklu 20:00 News 20:50 X-Factor 21:45 Headline News 21:50 X-Factor 23:15 News 23:35 Smack Down WWE TVM 2 06:00 Euronews 07:00 News Loop 08:30 Paq Paq on Test 08:45 Kelma ghall-hajja 09:00 Quddiesa tal-Hadd 09:45 Vatican Magazine 10:15 Qalb in-nies 11:45 Tebqa 11:00 MEA 11:30 Awtokura 12:00 Gastro-Kultura 12:30 Venere 13:00 Paq Paq Lifestyles 13:30 Gadgets 14:00 Champions League (R) 16:00 Animal Diaries 17:00 BOV Pre- mier – Hibs vs B'Kara 19:00 Ghawdex illum 19:30 Dwarna 20:30 News for the hearing impaired 20:45 Paq Paq on Test 21:00 Kontrattakk 23:00 Sports News 23:15 News in English NET TV 07:00 Net News 08:00 The Client (repeat) 08:45 Telebejgħ 10:15 Ghalkulhadd 11:15 Quddiesa mis-Santwarju Ta' Pinu 12:00 Distinti (repeat) 12:45 Telebejgħ 13:00 Intricci (repeat) 14:00 Net News 14:05 Telebejgħ 15:20 Iswed fuq l-Abjad (repeat) 16:40 Wheelspin (repeat) 17:30 Flusek (repeat) 18:00 Net News 18:05 What's for Dinner 18:45 Newsfeed 19:30 Net News 19:50 Newsfeed 20:30 Becky 21:30 Net News 21:35 Replay 23:15 Net News ONE TV 09:00 Popcorn 09:30 Karriera 10:00 Siegha Zm- ien 12:00 Telebejgh 12:30 Better Living 13:30 One News 13:35 Promozzjonijiet u reklami 13:40 Looks Plus 15:00 Talk to Me 16:00 Tereza Omnibus 18:30 One News 18:35 Promozzjonijiet u reklami 18:40 Pink Panther 19:15 On D Road 19:45 Dak li jghodd teens 20:30 One News 21:15 Promozzjoni- jiet u reklami 21:30 Arani issa CANALE 5 06:00 Mediashopping 06:15 Tg5 notte 06:44 Me- 06:45 Mediashopping 07:00 Prima pagina 08:55 Traffico 08:58 08:59 Tg5 mattina 10:10 Le frontiere dello spirit 11:10 Pianeta mare 12:00 Melaverde 14:00 Tg5 14:39 14:40 L'arca di Noe 15:00 Domenica Live 19:45 Avanti un altro! 20:57 Prima pagina 21:00 Tg5 21:39 Meteo. it 21:40 Paperissima Sprint 22:10 Riassunto 22:11 Il segreto 23:50 X-Style ITALIA 1 06:24 To Be Announced 07:00 Mediashopping 07:15 The Middle 07:30 Mediashopping 08:00 Superpartes 08:30 I Puffi 08:43 Dottore improv- visato 08:55 The Looney Tunes Show 09:17 Le avventure di Lupin III 10:14 Tgcom 10:17 10:20 Il virus beta 11:15 Il segreto del mio successo 12:12 Tgcom 12:15 12:18 Il segreto del mio successo 13:25 Studio Aperto 14:00 Grande Fratello 14:15 14:20 Sport Mediaset 15:00 Scared Shrekless 15:30 Robin Hood 16:27 Tgcom 16:30 16:33 Robin Hood (cont.) 17:30 Piccola peste si innamora 18:27 Tgcom 18:30 18:33 Piccola peste si innamora (cont.) 19:28 Studio Aperto 19:58 20:00 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 20:57 Tgcom 21:00 21:03 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (cont.) 22:25 OpenSpace RETE 4 06:06 Ieri e oggi in TV 06:35 Pezzi di cinema 08:05 Tg4 Night News 08:25 Media shopping 08:40 Me- dia shopping 08:55 Superpartes 09:25 Due per tre 09:57 Terra! 11:00 Santa Messa 11:50 Viaggio a... 12:30 Tg4 Telegiornale 12:58 13:00 La signora in giallo 14:50 Donnavventura 15:50 Arn: L'ultimo cavaliere 19:53 Anteprima Tg4 19:55 Tg4 Telegiornale 20:28 20:30 Tempesta d'amore 22:15 Nella morsa del ragno 22:58 Tgcom 23:00 23:04 Il nido del ragno RAI UNO 07:00 Tg Parlamento 07:30 Unomattina in famiglia 08:00 Tg1 08:05 Unomattina in famiglia 09:00 Tg1 09:18 Unomattina in famiglia 10:00 Tg1 10:04 Unomattina in famiglia 10:40 Tg1 L.I.S. 10:45 A sua immagine 10:55 Santa Messa 12:30 A sua immagine 13:00 Recita dell'Angelus da Piazza San Pietro 13:10 A sua immagine 13:20 Linea verde 14:30 Telegiornale 15:00 Domenica In: L'arena 17:30 Tg1 17:33 Che tempo fa 17:35 Domenica In 20:25 Pole Position 20:30 Telegior- nale 20:40 Pole Position 20:55 Formula 1 23:00 Metro RAI DUE 07:00 Lena 07:30 Nautilus 08:00 Two and a Half Men 08:20 Once Upon a Time 09:00 Heartland 09:45 Il nostro amico Charly 10:30 Il capobranco sei tu con Cesar Millan 11:15 Il meglio di cronache animali 12:00 Mezzogiorno in famiglia 14:00 Tg2 Giorno 14:30 Tg2 Motori 14:40 Meteo 2 14:45 Quelli che aspettano... 16:30 Quelli che il calico 18:05 Tg2 L.I.S. 18:08 Meteo 2 18:10 90esimo minuto: Zona mista 19:00 90esimo minuto 20:35 Squadra Speciale Cobra 11 21:30 Tg2 22:00 NCIS 22:45 NCIS: New Orleans 23:40 Domenica spor- tive RAI TRE 07:00 Fuori orario. Cose (mai) viste 07:55 Zorro 08:45 Lazzarella 10:20 Community: Le storie 11:00 The Cooking Show 12:05 Ritratti 13:00 Tg3 13:10 Tg3 fuori linea 13:18 Tg3 persone 13:25 E lasciatemi divertire 14:15 Geo 14:25 Fuori quadro 15:00 Tg Regione 15:15 Tg3 15:30 In 1/2 ora 16:00 Tg3 L.I.S. 16:05 Kilimangiaro: Tutto un altro mondo 19:55 Meteo 3 20:00 Tg3 20:30 Tg Re- gione 21:00 Blob 21:10 Che tempo che fa 22:45 Report TELEVISION BBC ENTERTAINMENT 300 06:00 Green Balloon Club 06:25 Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll 06:45 Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll 07:05 Gigglebiz 07:20 Green Bal- loon Club 07:40 Jollywobbles 07:50 Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll 08:10 Doctors 08:40 Doc- tors 09:10 Doctors 09:40 Doctors 10:10 EastEnd- ers 10:40 EastEnders 11:10 EastEnders 11:40 Eas- tEnders 12:05 Hotel Secrets With Richard E Grant 12:50 The Weakest Link 13:35 Doctor Who 14:25 Gates 14:45 Hotel Secrets With Richard E Grant 15:35 The Weakest Link 16:20 Doctor Who 17:05 2point4 Children 17:35 Lorna Doone 18:25 Lorna Doone 19:15 Lorna Doone 20:05 The Paradise 21:00 New Tricks 21:55 Waking the Dead 22:45 Waking the Dead 23:35 Doctor Who AXN 301 06:00 Torta di riso show 06:25 Torta di riso show 06:50 Torta di riso show 07:15 Torta di riso 07:40 Last Cop: L'ultimo sbirro 08:30 Last Cop: L'ultimo sbirro 09:20 Hawaii Five-0 10:10 Hawaii Five-0 11:00 Hawaii Five-0 11:50 Hawaii Five-0 12:40 Hawaii Five-0 13:30 Torta di riso 14:00 Hellboy 16:00 Terminator 2: Il giorno del giudizio 18:20 NCIS: Los Angeles 19:10 Torta di riso 19:40 Torta di riso 20:10 Torta di riso 20:40 Torta di riso 21:10 Terminator 3: Le macchine ribelli 23:05 Power E! ENTERTAINMENT 306 06:00 Pop Innovators: Will.I.Am 07:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Kardashian Therapy - Part Two 08:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Cuts Both Ways 09:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashi- ans: Baby, Baby, Baby 10:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Dishing It Out 11:00 E! News 12:00 I Am Cait: Family Interference 13:00 I Am Cait: Take Pride 14:00 House of DVF: Tabloid Fever 15:00 House of DVF: Boston Pop Up Party 16:00 Keeping Up with the Kardashians: Vanity Unfair 17:00 Keep- ing Up With the Kardashians: The Last Straw 18:00 E! News 19:00 WAGS: You're In a Fake Relationship 20:00 Dash Dolls: Valley of the Dash Dolls 21:00 Botched: Double Trouble 22:00 House of DVF: Bos- ton Pop Up Party 23:00 E! News FINE LIVING NETWORK 307 06:00 Extreme Homes 06:50 Caribbean Life 07:15 Hawaii Life 07:40 Giada at Home 08:05 Giada at Home 08:30 Healthy Appetite With Ellie Krieger 09:00 Healthy Appetite With Ellie Krieger 09:25 Caribbean Life 09:50 Hawaii Life 10:15 Rehab Addict 10:40 Rehab Addict 11:10 Desperate Land- scapes 11:35 Desperate Landscapes 12:00 Junk Gypsies 12:25 Junk Gypsies 12:50 Model: NYC 13:45 Giada's Weekend Getaways 14:10 Giada's Weekend Getaways 14:35 Restoration SOS Virginia 15:00 Restoration SOS Virginia 15:25 Fixer Upper 16:15 Rehab Addict 16:40 Rehab Addict 17:05 Ex- treme Homes 18:00 Extreme Homes 18:55 House Hunters 19:20 House Hunters 19:45 Hawaii Life 20:10 Caribbean Life 20:35 Rehab Addict 21:00 Extreme Homes 21:55 Rehab Addict 22:20 Rehab Addict 22:45 Caribbean Life 23:10 Hawaii Life 23:35 World's Most Extreme Homes CBS REALITY 308 06:00 Judge Judy 06:10 City Hospital 06:25 Judge Judy 06:50 Body of Evidence 07:15 Body of Evi- dence 07:40 Body of Evidence 08:05 Body of Evi- dence 08:30 Real Rescues 09:20 Amazing Medical Stories 10:10 Paramedics 11:00 Rich Bride, Poor Bride 11:50 Caught Red Handed 12:15 Caught Red Handed 12:40 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:30 Judge Judy 13:55 Judge Judy 14:20 Judge Judy 14:45 Judge Judy 15:10 Judge Judy 15:35 On Duty 16:00 Bait Car 16:25 Bait Car 16:50 Bait Car 17:15 Bait Car 17:40 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 18:30 Caught Red Handed 18:55 Caught Red Handed 19:20 Real Rescues 20:10 48 Hours Mystery 21:00 Killer In The Family 21:50 Cheaters 22:40 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 23:30 Dark Waters of Crime ITV CHOICE 309 06:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 07:35 Keep It in the Family 08:25 Doc Martin 09:15 Who's Doing the Dishes? 10:00 Who's Doing the Dishes? 10:45 Who's Doing the Dishes? 11:35 Who's Doing the Dishes? 12:35 Eggheads 13:05 Lewis 14:00 Keep It in the Family 14:45 Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime 15:45 The Jonathan Ross Show 16:35 Shet- land 17:30 Eggheads 18:00 Keep It in the Family 18:45 Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime 19:45 The Jonathan Ross Show 20:45 Lewis 21:40 Keep It in the Family 22:30 Doc Martin 23:20 Shetland TCM 310 06:00 The Liquidator 07:45 North by Northwest 10:00 Meet Me in St. Louis 11:50 Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid 13:45 Texas Carnival 15:00 Beau Brummell 16:50 Cheyenne Autumn 19:20 Hearts of the West 21:00 The Outfit 22:40 Ivanhoe AMC CHANNEL 312 07:10 If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium 08:50 Music of the Heart 10:55 Robinson Crusoe 12:25 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course 13:55 Little Sister 15:30 Benny & Joon 17:05 Captive Hearts 18:45 Big Screen 19:00 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 20:50 Capote 22:45 American Dragons FOOD NETWORK HD 372 06:00 Chopped 07:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 08:00 The Kitchen 09:00 The Kitchen 10:00 Chopped 11:00 Guy's Big Bite 11:30 Guy's Big Bite 12:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 12:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 13:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 13:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 15:00 Chopped 16:00 Siba's Table: Fast Feasts 16:30 Siba's Table: Fast Feasts 17:00 Siba's Table 17:30 Siba's Table 18:00 Rachael vs. Guy Ce- lebrity Cook-Off 19:00 Australian Food Adventures with Matt Moran 20:00 Jenny Morris Cooks the Riviera 20:30 Jenny Morris Cooks the Riviera 21:00 Mystery Diners 21:30 Mystery Diners 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 22:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 23:00 Siba's Table 23:30 Siba's Table DISCOVERY CHANNEL 400 06:00 How Do They Do It?: Desert Water; LED TVs; Ferraris 06:25 Misfit Garage 07:15 Fast N' Loud: One Cool Impala 08:10 MythBusters: JATO Rocket Car: Mission Accomplished? 09:05 Extreme En- gineering: Fault Zone Tunnel 09:55 What Hap- pened Next? 10:20 What Happened Next? 10:50 The Carbonaro Effect: A Problem With Chocolate Turtles and Seeds 11:15 The Carbonaro Effect: A Waddle, a Scratch... 11:40 Storage Hunters: Fuel to the Fire 12:05 Storage Hunters: Lock and Load 12:35 Container Wars 13:00 Container Wars 13:30 Legendary Motorcar: A Shelby Surprise 13:55 Leg- endary Motorcar: Toy Trains and Real Cars 14:25 Turbo Pickers: Jaguar XJS 15:20 Junkyard Empire: Putting Out Fires 16:15 How It's Made: Dream Cars: Porsche 918 Spyder 16:40 How It's Made: Dream Cars: Aston Martin Vanquish 17:10 Wheeler Deal- ers 18:05 Fast N' Loud: Big, Bad C-10 Build, Part II 19:00 Extreme Car Hoarders: Dude, Where's My Merc? 20:00 Ed Stafford: Into The Unknown: West Papua 21:00 Manhunt: Behind the Scenes 22:00 River Monsters: Canadian Horror 23:00 Deadliest Catch: 5-Year Storm, Part 2 DISCOVERY WORLD 401 06:00 Somali Pirate Takedown the Real Story 06:50 Deadliest Catch 07:40 Deadliest Catch 08:30 In- credible Flying Cars 09:20 Incredible Flying Cars 10:10 How We Invented the World 11:00 Oil, Sweat and Rigs 11:50 Oil, Sweat and Rigs 12:40 Oil, Sweat and Rigs 13:30 Oil, Sweat and Rigs 14:20 Modern Sniper 15:10 Blue Angels: A Year in the Life 16:00 Blue Angels: A Year in the Life 16:50 Blue Angels: A Year in the Life 17:40 Commander in Chief 18:30 All the President's Men Revisited 20:10 Life on a Wire 21:00 All the President's Men Revisited 22:40 America: Facts vs. Fiction 23:05 America: Facts vs. Fiction 23:30 Beyond Survival With Les Stroud DISCOVERY SCIENCE 402 06:00 Food Factory 06:25 Food Factory 06:50 Food Factory 07:15 Food Factory 07:53 Food Fac- tory 08:15 Food Factory 08:30 Food Factory 08:55 Food Factory 09:20 How Do They Do It? 09:45 How Do They Do It? 10:10 How Do They Do It? 10:35 How Do They Do It? 11:00 How Do They Do It? 11:25 How Do They Do It? 11:50 How It's Made 12:14 How It's Made 12:40 How It's Made 13:06 How It's Made 13:30 How It's Made 13:54 How It's Made 14:20 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 15:10 Home Factory 15:35 Home Factory 16:00 The Big Brain Theory: Pure Genius 16:50 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 17:40 Race to Es- cape 18:30 Deadly Dilemmas 18:55 Deadly Dilem- mas 19:20 Moon Machines 20:10 Moon Machines 21:00 Moon Machines 21:50 Moon Machines 22:40 Moon Machines 23:30 Deadly Dilemmas 23:55 Deadly Dilemmas TLC 403 06:00 Toddlers & Tiaras 06:50 Toddlers & Tiaras 07:40 Cake Boss 08:10 Cake Boss 08:35 Cake Boss 09:05 Cake Boss 09:30 Little People, Big World 10:00 Little People, Big World 10:25 Little People, Big World 10:55 Little People, Big World 11:20 Obese and Expecting 12:15 Best Of Buddy's 12:40 Best Of Buddy's 13:10 Psychic Matchmaker 13:40 Psychic Matchmaker 14:05 My 600-Lb. Life 15:00 Style by Jury 15:30 Style by Jury 15:55 Sister Wives 16:50 Cake Boss 17:20 Cake Boss 17:45 Brides of Beverly Hills 18:15 Brides of Beverly Hills 18:40 Brides of Beverly Hills 19:10 Brides of Beverly Hills 19:35 Brides of Beverly Hills 20:05 Say Yes to the Dress: Randy Knows Best 20:30 Say Yes to the Dress: Randy Knows Best 21:00 Say Yes to the Dress Canada 21:25 Say Yes to the Dress Canada 21:55 Something Borrowed, Something New 22:20 Something Borrowed, Something New 22:50 Diag- nose Me 23:45 My 600-Lb. Life ANIMAL PLANET 405 06:00 Call of the Wildman 06:25 Treehouse Masters 07:15 Treehouse Masters 08:10 Treehouse Masters 09:05 Treehouse Masters 10:00 Treehouse Masters 10:55 Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives 11:50 River Monsters 12:45 World's Wildest Cities: Man- aus 13:10 World's Wildest Cities: Manaus 13:40 Mutant Planet 14:35 Wildest Islands 15:30 Wildest Indochina 16:25 Snake Sheila 16:50 Snake Sheila 17:20 Snake Sheila 17:45 Snake Sheila 18:15 Snake Sheila 18:40 Snake Sheila 19:10 Snake Sheila 19:35 Snake Sheila 20:05 Snake Sheila 20:30 Snake Sheila 21:00 Deadly After Dark: Polar Bear Invasion 21:55 Mermaids: The New Evidence 22:50 Mermaids: The Body Found NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 406 06:00 Wicked Tuna: North vs. South: Doghouse Afternoon 07:00 Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks: Fins of the Father 08:00 Cold Water Gold: Holy Mackerel! 09:00 Yukon Gold: Game Changer 10:00 Wicked Tuna: North vs. South: Doghouse Afternoon 11:00 Ice Road Rescue: Stuck Trucks 12:00 Ultimate Air- port Dubai 13:00 Ice Road Rescue: Fire And Ice 14:00 Ice Road Rescue: Beggars Can't Be Choos- ers 15:00 Last Lioness 16:00 Explorer: Warlords of Ivory 17:00 Science of Stupid 17:30 Science of Stupid: Lawn Mowers and Pinatas 18:00 Man vs. Viral: Tower Block Swing 19:00 I Wouldn't Go in There: WWII Special 1 20:00 Explorer 21:00 Lost Continent of the Pacific 22:00 Man vs. Viral: Tower Block Swing 23:00 I Wouldn't Go in There: WWII Special 1 NAT GEO WILD 407 06:00 Wild Menu 06:23 Wild Menu 06:47 Monster Fish 07:34 Monster Fish 08:20 Monster Fish 09:07 Monster Fish 09:54 Monster Fish 10:38 Monster Fish 11:26 Monster Fish 12:14 Monster Fish 13:03 Monster Fish 13:51 Monster Fish 14:39 Monster Fish 15:27 Monster Fish 16:17 Monster Fish 17:08 Monster Fish 18:00 Africa's River Rivals 18:58 Cou- gar Country 19:54 Ultimate Honey Badger 20:50 Africa's River Rivals 21:46 Cougar Country 22:42 Monster Fish 23:36 Ultimate Honey Badger TRAVEL CHANNEL 410 06:00 Globe Trekker 07:00 House Hunters Inter- national 07:30 House Hunters International 08:00 Salvage Dawgs 08:30 Salvage Dawgs 09:00 The Va- nilla Ice Project 09:30 The Vanilla Ice Project 10:00 15:00 – Scared Shrekless – Italia 1

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