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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2015 39 This Week Chalk, dreams and acrobats at Ziguzajg With Ziguzajg returning to various venues in Valletta in the coming month, we cherry-pick some highlights from the rich programme of events that will make up the fifth edition of the increasingly popular International Arts Festival for Children & Young People LPI2: The Return Canadian performing acrobats Les Parfaits Inconnus put on a show for the whole family THE Return is the story of a family of wandering acrobats. For years, they have put on the same show wherever they go, setting up camp in a barren field on the edge of town. Now, their crowds are sparse and the members of the troupe are slacking off. But one fine day, while doing their daily chores, they realize that there is an audience just waiting for a show. They must now get going, face the music and show off their many tal- ents. A truly unique adventure brim- ming with originality. This family of characters, where each is wilder than the next, show their stuff through the circus arts, comedy and ener- getic live music, making for a crazy rock-and-roll circus! Supported by TOHU, La Cité des Arts du Cirque and Conseil des arts et des lettres Québec. The Return is suitable for those aged 3 and up, and will be performed on 21 and 22 November at 18:15 at the Manoel Theatre, Valletta The Drooming A 'dreamy' production by Aleateia Theatre THREE women meet in the waiting room of their dream doctor. They discover that they have something in common – all three have run out of dreams. Through hypnosis and some other dubious techniques, Dr Droom per- suades them to take part in a process that he calls The Drooming. During the drooming session, the women can have vivid 'drooms' of everything they have ever dreamed of. But this is not all; once The Drooming app is installed on their smartphones, they are doomed to become the doctor's mental slaves forever. Dr Droom has plans to make his app go viral and dominate the world. But can his three experimental pa- tients stop him before things get out of hand? An original Ziguzajg Commission which also forms part of the Malta Showcase, The Drooming is suitable for those aged 10 and over, and will be showing on 16 November at 18:00, 17 November at 18:00 and 22 No- vember at 10.30 and 18.00 at the St James Cavalier Theatre, Valletta Chalk About Curious Seed ask some big questions through dance, song... and chalk CHALK About is a playful, funny and sometimes moving look at how we see ourselves and others, featur- ing dance, chalk, chat and one per- fect scene containing everything you could wish for… Join Christine and Niels on their journey as they ask some BIG questions about iden- tity and the meaning of life. What makes us who we are? Is it where we are from? Is it the way we dance? Our pasts or our futures? And, most importantly, doesn't everyone like pizza? Chalk About is suitable for those aged 8 and up, and will be staged on 20 November at 17:00, 21 November at 10:00 and 17:00 and 22 November at 17:00 at the Teatru Manoel Stu- dio, Valletta Ziguzajg will be running between 16-22 November. Tickets are out now; all tickets for the morning school programme are free; tickets for the public shows are €2 each. For more information, log on to,https://www.fa- The Return The Drooming • Photo by Elisa von Brockdorff Chalk About

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