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MT 25 October 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2015 6 News MIRIAM DALLI THE former chairman of the Na- tional Commission for Persons with Disability (KNPD) has criti- cised the commission for wel- coming a proposed €12 million "disability hub" to be developed at San Pawl tat-Targa in Naxxar. Joseph Camilleri recently criti- cised the project announced in the last Budget, insisting it would introduce "segregation by stealth" instead of promoting inclusivity for persons with a disability. The government has however insisted that this was not the case, and that the hub would be open to different clients, not just persons with disability. Although official details are yet to be released, the KNPD said the hub would bring together differ- ent services spread over the is- land in one centralized location. Parliamentary secretary for the rights of the disabled, Justyne Caruana, said that the complex would include purpose-built resi- dential units with shared beds, a day centre, a multi-purpose hall, a purpose-built therapeutic facility and sports facilities. Restaurants, shops and hostels will be man- aged by persons with disability. On his part, KNPD chairman Oliver Scicluna said the hub would allow people with disabil- ity and their families to access services with less inconvenience. But Joseph Camilleri sees the hub differently. "It is indeed a sad and tragic day when the KNPD, which is sup- posed to be an autonomous na- tional human rights institution and a champion of Maltese disa- bled people's rights, expresses it- self in favour of a project which totally contradicts the spirit and word of both the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and our own Equal Opportunities (Persons with Dis- ability) Act," Camilleri said in a letter to MaltaToday. He has insisted that the proposal would turn out to be "large-scale segregated ghettoes where disa- bled people can be warehoused in large numbers". The same proposal had been made shortly after the 2013 gen- eral election: "Luckily, for vari- ous reasons, the scheme was a non-starter. However, it seems that the individual behind it is still trying to 'rebrand' it as something new and has managed to have it included in the 2016 Budget." Camilleri reacted once again after the parliamentary secretary told parliament how the former KNPD chair was part of the same committee that proposed the hub. The site was chosen by the government. But Camilleri said that he was always against the hub. "I was part of discussions held in early 2014 and prior to my retirement from public life in March of the same year. At the time an almost identical proposal was put forwarded by Philip Riz- zo – then advisor to the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidar- ity," Camilleri said. The meeting was convened by the then parliamentary secretary Franco Mercieca and was at- tended by Camilleri and the per- manent secretary. "At the time, as Chairman of KNPD, I had expressed my outright and com- plete opposition to any large- scale project that proposed con- centrating disabled persons and activities for disabled persons in one place," he said. "If nothing else this approach flies in the face of all the recom- mendations made in the Unit- ed Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD). My stand remains unchanged." WIN a copy of the newly launched book To win a copy of this unique book tick the right answers: Tick all the Maltese products: ❒ Lacto ❒ Ilma żahar ❒ Red Leaf ❒ Għażżiel ❒ Hopleaf Send your answers by 10 November to: MediaToday, WIN A BOOK FROM BDL, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann The winners of the last competition, and who won the book, 'Wild flowers of the Maltese Islands' are Ms R Brincat from Rabat and Mr Emanuel Muscat from Mosta. The correct answers were: Maltese Fleabane, Sulla and the Giant Fennel By Charles B. Spiteri, published by BDL Drawwiet u Tifkiriet Former KNPD chair says he was 'always against' disability hub Long-serving chairman of disability commission says 'hub' concept will create ghettoes not inclusion Former KNPD chair Joe Camilleri says it was Philip Rizzo, as advisor to the family ministry, who forwarded an identical proposal to the hub being considered by the government Government mulling 'peak hours' ban of heavy vehicles New legal notice proposes removal of heavy vehicles and tractors from the road during peak hours TEODOR RELJIC ALL tractors and heavy vehicles will be removed from the roads during peak hours, if a new legal amendment in the Motor Trac- tors Regulations is to go through. However, though the proposed amendment intends to make a clean sweep of most heavy ve- hicles from the roads, it makes allowances for vehicles that trail containers. Issued by the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure to- gether with Transport Malta, the legal notice specifies that, "no mo- tor tractor (including agricultural tractor) and no motor vehicle with trailer" may be used between 7am and 9am, and between 4pm and 6pm on any day except on Saturday, Sunday and national and public holidays. However, motor vehicles draw- ing empty trailers or trailers carry- ing containers, will still be allowed on the roads. The Commissioner of Police will be empowered to remove any motor tractor or motor ve- hicle with trailers – except those drawing empty trailers or carry- ing containers – that hinder the free flow of traffic. Ostensibly a measure to tackle the increasingly dire traffic situation on the island, the move is also set to stoke the ire of employees of logistics and deliveries departments of various industries.

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