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MT 28 May 2017

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 28 MAY 2017 Events 55 Colour and creativity at 3Doodler workshops Colour and creativity were in prominent display at the 3Doo- dler workshops organised at The Point Shopping Mall and BayStreet Shopping Complex by Forestals - agents for the 3Doo- dler pens in Malta. Meant for budding design- ers and makers of tomorrow, the workshops attracted a huge number of children and adoles- cents who had a unique experi- ence of combining all the ex- citement and innovation of new technology with the care and love of something handmade. The workshops were conduct- ed by Grace Du Prez - a world renowned 3D printing pen art- ist, who has been working with a 3Doodler since 2014 and been in- volved in number of adverts and other promotional projects as well as designs for private clients. Now acclaimed as one of the industry's leading designer-mak- ers and official 3Doodler Power Doodler she also teaches her skills around the globe in a vari- ety of different workshops. "I was delighted to be asked to come to Malta to teach some 3Doodler Workshops with Forestals," said Grace at the work- shops. "I have been running 3D Printing Pen classes in the UK for over a year so it was wonderful to bring them to a new audience." "I love to help encourage crea- tivity and to teach people new skills. The response from all the participants was fantastic. There was such positivity and the par- ents told me they enjoyed them- selves as much as their kids." "I can't wait to come back to Malta to develop the existing programme of events," concluded Grace. John Farrugia Randon, respon- sible for the 3Doodler product line at Forestals, was equally pleased with the turnout at the workshops. "We are delighted with both the turn-out at the event and the enthusiasm shown by the all the attendees'' ''It was very evident that the children were highly engaged with the pens and that they let their imagination run wild when coming up with their unique de- signs'' said John. The entire range of 3Doodler products, including Pen Starter Packs, filaments and refills, are available from any Forestals or Matrix outlet, or from forestals. com. All online orders include free delivery. Banif Bank and MCAST Institute of Creative Arts renew collaboration ESCB central banks welcome publication of Foreign Exchange Global Code of Conduct Banif Bank and the MCAST Institute of Creative Arts have agreed to extend a successful collaborative agreement that will see both organisations working together on initiatives that seek to bridge the gap between educa- tion and industry. Banif Bank will allocate spon- sorship funds for the Institute's upcoming end of year ICA 2017 Festival, and work together with tutors on student projects, as from the start of the upcoming academic year. "Banif 's relationship with MCAST is a long standing one," said Melvin Pellicano, Head of Business Develop- ment at Banif Bank. "It gives us an oppor- tunity to work with young people in a con- text of education and art while the students are challenged to pro- duce conceptual work that is relevant to the market. On the other hand, Banif commits to aid the students in exposing their work via promotional channels." The Institute's Director Tyrone Grima welcomed the Bank's sup- port, saying the team was look- ing forward to another year of collaboration with Banif. "Our Institute looks for significant collaborations that give students valuable opportunities. Our aims are reached via agreements such as the one we have with Banif Bank." The European System of Central Banks (ESCB) has welcomed the publication of the Foreign Ex- change Global Code of Conduct (Code) and related adherence mechanisms material. This is a significant global ini- tiative to promote a robust, fair, liquid, open and transparent for- eign exchange (FX) market un- derpinned by high ethical stand- ards which benefits all wholesale FX market participants. Well-functioning financial markets are important to cen- tral banks in ensuring a smooth transmission of monetary policy to the real economy, from which all citizens should ultimately ben- efit. The ESCB central banks said they were strongly committed to supporting and promoting adher- ence to the Code in their jurisdic- tions, which together play a key role in the global FX market. To that end, they are committed to adhering to the principles of the Code when acting as FX market participants and likewise expect their regular FX trading counter- parties to adhere to the Code. The ESCB central banks also en- couraged FX market participants in their jurisdictions to evolve their practices in such a way that they are consistent with the prin- ciples of the Code and to dem- onstrate their commitment by endorsing the Statement of Com- mitment annexed to the Code. The ESCB central banks said it looks forward to witnessing the evolution of practices accord- ingly. Forestals 3Doodler workshops have proven very successful

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