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illum 7 May 2017

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Elezzjoni2017 13 Il-Ħadd 07 ta' Mejju 2017 | illum 2017 Il-Ħadd 07 ta' Mejju 2017 | illum Preliminary Market Consultation The Gozo Channel Group ('Gozo Channel') wishes to participate in the competitive tender process issued by the Maltese Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure for a Public Service Concession Contract for the Provision of Passenger and Vehicle Ferry Services Between Malta and Gozo (the 'Tender'). The Tender was published on 28th April 2017 on the Maltese Government's e-Tenders website and the procurement documentation is available on: The awardee of the Tender is required to provide conventional ferry services between Ċirkewwa (Malta) and Mġarr (Gozo) and also fast ferry services between Valletta (Malta) and Mġarr (Gozo) as public service obligations. Gozo Channel is the incumbent economic operator for the provision of conventional ferry services, and it therefore has the necessary experience, expertise and resources to provide those services. Gozo Channel is looking for a partner with whom to submit the bid for the Tender (the 'Partner') which has the necessary experience, expertise or resources to provide fast ferry services. Any interested party is expected to prove to Gozo Channel that it is in a position to meet the applicable specifications, requirements and criteria applicable to the fast ferry services as required by the Tender. The Partner is expected to commit exclusively to Gozo Channel's bid and it may not submit its own bid, participate as a member in a third party joint venture, consortium or other economic association, or accept to be named as a sub-contractor in a third party's bid. Gozo Channel will be the lead member of any commercial arrangement reached with the Partner on submitting the bid. Any interested parties who would be open to form an exclusive commercial arrangement with Gozo Channel for the submission of the bid for the Tender are requested to express their interest by sending an e-mail to by not later than 1700hrs CET of the 17th May 2017. Interested parties are to provide details of: - The vessels which will be made available for the provision of fast ferry services pursuant to the Tender; and - The type/s of commercial arrangement/s which the interested party would be willing to participate in. Gozo Channel will not be in a position to access any submissions made by interested parties before 1700hrs CET of the 17th May 2017. Any queries in relation to this preliminary market consultation are to be sent to eoiqueries@ by not later than 1700hrs CET of the 10th May 2017. The prospective Partner will be expected to reach an agreement with the Gozo Channel Group prior to the submission of the bid for the Tender by the Gozo Channel Group. 'Il-fast ferry u l-mina għal Għawdex se jkunu prijorità' Minn Veronica Lynn Mizzi ILPRIM Ministru Joseph Muscat qal kif il- prijoritajiet għal Għawdex issa huma fil-mod ta' kif wieħed jaqsam bejn Malta u Għawdex. Fil-fatt, Muscat semma l-proġetti tas-servizz tal-fast ferry u tal-mina bejn Malta u Għawdex bħala proġetti li l-ħidma fuqhom bdiet diġà. Dan qalu waqt li lbieraħ kien qed jindirizza attività politika fir-Rabat Għawdex. Kif kien qed jindirizza lill- Għawdxin, Muscat qal kif matul dawn l-aħħar erba' snin, il-Gvern Laburista għamel ħafna xogħol f 'din il-gżira u jsemmi fost l-oħrajn l-ammonti ta' turisti rekord li żaru l-gżira tat-tliet għoljiet. "Tant kemm kien hawn turisti f 'Għawdex, li lukandi li qabel kienu jgħalqu fil-'low season', issa ma baqgħux, imma fadal iktar xi jsir," sostna Muscat. Muscat saħaq li Għawdex se jibqa' jkun prijorità kbira għall-Partit Laburista, waqt li insista li l-proposti li se jkun qed iniedi fiż-żmien li ġej, għal Għawdex, se jkunu qed ikomplu jixhdu l-impenn tiegħu biex din il-gżira verament tibqa' prijorità. Waqt li kien qed jindirizza l-folla, Muscat qal kif bħalissa hemm it-tender tas-servizz tal-fast ferry, "li jfisser li gvern ġdid, jekk tagħtuna l-fiduċja, fi ftit tax-xhur oħra ħa nkunu qegħdin nintroduċu servizz biex intom l-Għawdxin tkunu tistgħu taqsmu b'mod dirett mill-Imġarr Għawdex sal-Belt Valletta mingħajr dewmien." Joseph Muscat qal ukoll li fl-istess ħin, dalwaqt se jkunu qed jiġu mnedija l-preparazzjonijiet għall- fażi li jmiss biex jinbdew ix-xogħlijiet tal-mina bejn Malta u Għawdex. "Dak li jagħtina s-saħħa hi l-kredibbiltà li dak li nwiegħdu, aħna nwettquh," sostna Muscat fost iċ- ċapċip ta' dawk preżenti. Fid-diskors tiegħu, il-mexxej tal-PL għamel aċċenn għall-qasam tas- saħħa u l-investiment f 'Għawdex billi qal li l-Partit Laburista se jkun qed jassigura li bil-ħidma u l-investiment se jkun assigurat xogħol għall- Għawdxin, il-proprjetà togħla fil-valur tagħha, waqt li ddeskriva li l-gżira se tkun qed tesperjenza 'twelid mill-ġdid', u 'Għawdex isir l-għira tal-Ewropa fl-investiment il-ġdid'. Muscat appella partikolarment lill- Għawdxin sabiex jużaw il-vot tagħhom tajjeb waqt li sostna li l-PL f 'Għawdex għandu 'kandidatura fantastika'. Il-Prim Ministru Muscat kompla jgħid li hu ma jibżax mill-ġudizzju tal- poplu, "għax jien paċi miegħi nnifsi li l-ġudizzju tal-poplu, jkun xi jkun, jien naċċettah b'serenità." Żied jgħid li jekk il-poplu jridu jkompli jservi, hekk se jkun qed jagħmel, b'qalbu kollha, u jekk ma jridux ikompli jservi, iwarrab bil-kwiet. "Għawdex isir l-għira tal-Ewropa fl-investiment il-ġdid" "Jekk il-poplu jridni nkompli nservi, nagħmel hekk b'qalbi kollha, imma jekk ma jridunix inkompli nservi, inwarrab bil- kwiet"

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